2 Best Basketball Weight and Resistance Training Exercises!
A successful basketball strength training program has to involve the following 2 kettlebell exercises. If you are going to be a successful basketball player you must work on developing your speed, quickness, and explosive hip and leg power. All of these traits encompass the definition of what a true athlete is all about. Kettlebell training is the perfect ingredient in helping you to do just that.
1. The Clean And Jerk: This exercise helps you to develop serious core strength and explosive hip and shoulder strength. To do this lift start with a single kettlebell. To execute this weight training exercise properly clean the kettlebell from between your feet up to chest level. Make sure your feet are shoulder width distance apart. From here utilize your hips and knees by flexing and then immediately extending at the joints to create vertical momentum to jerk or press the kettlebell above your head. From here simply lower the bell back to the floor to start the process over again.
2. The Kettlebell Long Cycle: For this basketball strength training drill simply clean the kettlebell to your chest and execute a jerk (or press) above your head. Now the next part is important. As you lower the bell snap or swing the bell between your legs like you would with a swing and allow the upward momentum of the kettlebell to carry it back to your chest again at the clean position. Once here just jerk the bell again and repeat the cycle all over again. If you haven’t had time to get acquainted with kettlebell training then you are only hurting your program. I have trained athletes for a long time and I know what works.
Trust me, kettlebell training is something that your competition still doesn’t know about. Get an edge on them starting now. I’ll even make it easier on you by encouraging you to access the rest of my articles here for free. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the champions train smart my friend.
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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