2nd to No One – The Best Lift For Dominant Athleticism is Right Here!
In order to achieve an optimal level of athleticism and dominate the competition your training program must be effective for achieving that very purpose. As a strength and conditioning specialist I can honestly say that one of the best lifts for total body athletic development would be the single arm overhead kettlebell snatch.
This single lift is tremendous for helping you to achieve both explosive muscular power and making your body resistant to injury. When you train your body for athletics your goals should focus in on lifts that incorporate whole body movements that involve multi-joint lifts. This stimulates your nervous system to respond better to the demands of putting your body through physical stress which is exactly what athletic competition does. All athletic training routines should involve athletic training drills that accomplish this very task. The overhead kettlebell snatch is the perfect lift for helping you to achieve superior athleticism.
This lift is performed by you lifting the kettlebell from either the ground or between your legs to above your head in a smooth and powerful motion. This is done by you having to forcefully flex and then extend at both your hips and knees in order to generate the necessary momentum to vertically pull the kettlebell to a high position lateral to your head. This part of the snatch is also known as a high pull lift. Once you get the kettlebell to this high pull position you must complete the snatch by vertically punching your palm to the sky. When you punch your palm you must lock out both your shoulder and elbow to complete the overhead snatch lift.
Once you attempt this athletic training exercise you will quickly see just how effective it can be in helping you to develop dominant athleticism. Take the time to get better acquainted with kettlebell training by accessing the rest of my articles for free. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart!
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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