5 Minutes of Hell – The Most Intense Workout For Those That Prefer Results Over Pain!
If you would rather hit a series of intense workout exercises hard and get finished rather than engage in a less intense lingering workout then you are in the right place. I have included a workout here that will take you about 5 minutes, but it is 5 minutes that you won’t soon forget!
If you are familiar with the kettlebell then you already know that by me mentioning it this is going to be a challenging workout routine. For this particular workout you will need a pair of moderately heavy kettlebells of equal weight. Make sure that you have some flat open space and plenty of room to move around. Before I start to tell you about the workout I want to assume that you already have some prior knowledge of some basic kettlebell lifting techniques. Also, every exercise mentioned in the following monster circuit will consist of 5 repetitions.
Ok, so let’s begin. Start out your 5 minutes of hell by cleaning the kettlebells from the ground to your chest five times. Next, you are going to perform 5 front deadlifts with the kettlebells between your feet. After the 5 deadlifts you are going to go back to cleaning and pressing the bells overhead. Next, return the kettlebells to the ground beside your feet and perform a series of 5 double leg suitcase deadlifts. From here hold the bells by your side and perform five power shrugs by flexing and extending at the hips and knees in continuous motion while shrugging at the top of the movement. Following the power shrugs immediately go into a series of double bell swings and then a set of double bell overhead snatches. Your gruesome circuit is now concluded!
Practice this intense cardio and muscle building workout with a lighter set of kettlebells first in order to get the series down if necessary. Once you commit all of the movements to memory then jump up to lifting the heavier bells. Remember this is an intense bodybuilding workout that is sure to get your attention. Start your 5 minutes of hell today. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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Sounds like an excellent workout, looking forward to trying it out, and hating it the whole time. But will love the results! Great pic btw