5 Tips To Help You Acquire Super Thrilling Inspiration…
So today I’m steering the topic in a slightly different direction. Not long ago I got an email from one of my readers asking me about my training program. She was telling me that she was probably a bit older (she felt) than probably the majority of my readers. She openly communicated how she had to overcome an overwhelming amount of health issues including cancer.
Living in a small town she had also gotten nothing but discouragement when even trying to mention making an attempt at strength training and getting herself into shape. I simply told her in true Brandon style that those other people discouraging her could kiss her ass and that it was time for her to go lock, stock, and complete beast mode with upgrading her state of health! It was time for her to use this as fuel to prove a whole lot of people wrong!
Acquiring Super Thrilling Inspiration!
It seems like the more folks I talk to these days the more of them are looking for something positive. In this day and age it seems people are actively searching for positivity and that the world is trying to feed them just the opposite. I don’t care who you are you’ve got to find something to trigger your own Beast Mode, as the kids like to say today, with some true inspiration.
Inspiration: Stimulation of the mind, or emotions to a high level creating positive energy and excitement.
Because of this very definition I decided to come up with my own list of methods, if you will, to possibly help to serve as some sort of catalyst to get you excited and inspired both about life and about helping you to achieve your Beast Mode training goals! The list is as follows:
1. Read, Watch, Or Listen To A Comeback Story: Look, all of us Americans (and other friends outside the states) love a comeback story and an underdog. If someone says that they don’t love a good comeback, or an underdog then they are either shallow and useless, or they are lying their asses off. The bottom line is that a “true underdog” always displays grit, character, and the ability to overcome most any obstacle. Even in failure an underdog wins because of what they’ve had to overcome in order to get to the point at which they are viewed as an underdog. That’s perspective and in my opinion inspiring.
2. Read Often: This sort of ties into the 1st one, but I am mentioning this one for a slightly different reason. I almost labeled this one as “being creative,” but I’ve often found that in order to be creative or to foster creativity I often find myself reading in order to help this to occur. Read an array of topics from philosophical to science based books. The broad spectrum of information that you get from reading very different subject matter will help you to create new and more innovative ways to get things done, period! This is inspiration.
3. Train With Others: If you have never been involved with training in a group of people that can push you and make you better then you need to do so. If you are either currently involved in your own strength training program or are thinking about doing so for the first time then it’s an entirely different “ballgame” when you get together to do it with others that are going to push and motivate you during the process. A group of peers that are in pursuit of the same physical goals as you is inspiration on the training floor my friend.
4. Engage In Different Activities: If you are on a hard schedule the way most of us are from day to day it’s easy to lose yourself in the rat race and to get into a rut. The monotony of falling victim to a rut can be a drag on you and will absolutely crush any inspiring attitude. Make sure you engage in activities that are completely different from your normal schedule. Buck the system from time to time and do something different.
5. Help Others: If you really want to find inspiration then inspire others! This is one tried and true method to not only inspire someone else, but to take care of yourself in the process. Genuinely taking the time to help someone else whether it is by helping the little old lady to cross the street, to jump the battery of a stranded stranger, or to simply teach a young mind an important life lesson it all will give you a reason to continue onward doing more, and will hopefully inspire others to do the same. If you need some excitement for yourself then make sure you lend a helping hand in some way.
I like to think I help my readers by doing this inspiration thing as much as I can. Without you guys reading my blog, sharing it, and kicking ass everyday by sharing your own stories with me the way that lady did I spoke about at the beginning of this article I wouldn’t exist. So for that here’s a virtual high five to you my friend!
Now go get your Beast Mode on, but before you do make sure you check off Tip #2 by getting your very own copy of my Brandon Richey’s Better Than Steroids ebook right here. Oh and by the way I’m offering a 50% OFF deal for the first 30 purchases of my ebook today. However you MUST purchase it directly from my site here (Amazon Kindle Versions Do NOT apply) and you must enter the coupon code BEAST.
Remember to enter the coupon code BEAST. Oh and one more thing, how do you find YOUR inspiration? What drives you in the pursuit of your goals and dreams? I genuinely want to know! Please let me know by dropping me a line in the comment box below this article. Keep training smart my friend!
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Brandon–these tips are spot on–thanks for framing up these great ideas in the context of training and physical fitness! Cindy Sayers
Hey Cindy no problem! I just like trying to throw out something to get the mind to working if you know what I mean! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your response and don’t be shy about coming back.
Thanks for the valuable information. You are so correct. It is easy to get side tracked from your workouts when the motivation becomes lacking and other engagements get in the way. I agree that you have to fight through these on a daily basis to reach your inner beast.
Hey Chad thanks for the feedback. I like how you use the word “fight,” because you are spot on my friend. It is a fight, or a grind to get through work, training, and just life in general. Folks are looking for a way. I’m just trying to point out that “where there is a will, there is a way!” 🙂 Hope you are doing well my friend.