A Kettlebell Hard-Body – The 3-Step Workout to Get Your Body Jacked!
In order to get your body ripped and to achieve an optimal level of fitness then you must incorporate kettlebell training into your fitness and strength program. If you are looking for a workout that is simple in nature to understand, yet will get you some serious results then you will like this 3-step plan.
Step 1: The Duel Bell Overhead Walk: For this drill you will need a flat open space and two moderately heavy kettlebells. To begin, mark off a distance of about 50 yards. Next, clean and press the bells above your head and walk the 50 yard distance. The key is to make sure that your shoulders are locked into the sockets and that you keep your elbows locked into place. Maintain tightness throughout your trunk in order to stabilize your core. This is a great drill to start your big fat-loss workout. When finished rest for 2 minutes and move to step 2.
Step 2: Duel Kettlebell Squat and Press: As you finish the first step rest no more than the allotted 2 minutes. Next, grab the bells again and execute a clean, squat, and press for 20 repetitions. Be smooth and aggressive in getting your reps done. Once finished rest for 1 minute and move on to step 3.
Step 3: Kettlebell Bear Crawls: For this drill you will need to use half the distance (only 25 yards) as you used in step 1. Get into an upright push-up position with your hands on each kettlebell. Next, perform a bear crawl lifting each kettlebell off of the ground and moving your body forward primarily using your upper-body. Bear crawl the full 25 yard distance before stopping. Completing all three steps will significantly boost your fat-loss progress. For beginners, try to complete 5 rounds of these three steps. You will get jacked!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at: http://www.efandps.com |
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Dang Brandon your killing this old guy, but that is ok keep it up.