Welcome To The Brandon Richey Fitness Customized Online Coaching Utilizing HIIT Workout, Kettlebell Workout, And  All Other Training Platforms! 

Finally customized online coaching for helping you to make big gains and to crush your goals faster, safer, and more efficiently! 

Brandon Richey Fitness logo for customized online coaching


$475 $400 Start Up Cost

& $350 $325 monthly subscription







If you have arrived here you are able to get customized online coaching by getting a program developed specifically for your needs. The Brandon Richey Fitness customized online coaching program is a monthly subscription that will involve you getting 2 weeks of customized workouts at a time emailed directly to your inbox for the duration of your membership.

In addition to the custom workouts you’ll also get a direct line to me through email and phone if you have any questions regarding exercise technique, execution, or special exercise substitutions and recommendations.

Your program will also include instant access to my huge Video Bank as a helpful resource to get you through the workouts.  This massive video bank is organized just for you and involves me demonstrating the exercises that will be involved in much of your personal customized program. Even if there are other exercises that need to be recommended we will work that out.

Brandon Richey throwing a medicine ball for customized online coaching

In addition to these resources your customized program is built around the information that you will provide me.  I will build your program based on your responses to the physical readiness questionnaire that you will receive upon signing up. That’s right, after signing up you’ll receive my mandatory waiver/disclaimer form, my question form, and instant access to my exercise demonstration Video Bank which contains over 35 pages of video content and close to 70 videos covering many common exercises we can tap into.

Once you have completed the questionnaire form I will then start the process of building out the first 2 weeks of your online program. Once I have completed the first 2 weeks of workouts I will email the workouts directly to your email inbox for you to start.

Note: All images on the page are of Brandon Richey Fitness students and supporters! The images were provided to Brandon Richey Fitness during their custom workouts displaying people from all backgrounds with all different goals ranging from fitness, to function, and to even being fight ready for sport and competition!!!

Look what others are saying…

I really liked how Brandon was able to communicate with me and hold me accountable. He was great at helping me to improve my attitude and getting me to train patience while sticking to the plan. 




Coach your HIIT programs have helped me to get back into game shape. I like the fast simple approach you have come up with.


Coach Brandon knows his stuff. He got me simple and effective workouts to transform my approach to training. 


You’ll be sent 2 weeks worth of workouts to be be scheduled out ahead. After completing these 2 weeks you are responsible for emailing me regarding your completion of the first 2 weeks of training. During this process you’re responsible for giving me a 4 workout notice. In other words, you give me notice to start building out the next 2 week block of workouts when you’re 4 workouts away from completing your current block.

Additionally you’ll be responsible for any questions you may have regarding the workouts, technique, or any other concerns that may arise.

Equipment is not mandatory for this service. Regardless of whether you have access to a great deal of equipment, or not the workouts will be tailored for you. Once again here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll get upon signing up:

  • Waiver/disclaimer
  • Physical readiness questionnaire
  • **Instant access to my exercise video bank**
  • A direct line to me for questions/concerns
  • Direct customized programming
  • Product and equipment recommendations
  • Access to my Brandon Richey Fitness newsletter and relative content
  • For an additional cost top notch professional nutrition can also be available

 Customized Online Coaching FAQ’s

Question: So what is the commitment for the online coaching?

Answer: The commitment is based upon your goals and your life schedule. It is custom designed for you so whatever you are able to commit to in terms of your current lifestyle will determine the programming that is the best fit for you. You may only want to train two or three days a week, or you may want to train 6 days a week. Regardless of your goals the custom online coaching is designed to fit you and your life needs.

Question: What if I travel a lot and am not able to have access to a lot of equipment?

Answer: No problem. Upon signing up you will receive a questionnaire form that will go down a checklist of things to help me understand your situation. Based on what equipment, time, and space you have I will build a program to suit your life situation. Any addition feedback that is needed we can discuss on a phone call, email, or text.

Question: If I sign up for the membership is it a big contract for several months at a time?

Answer: No, the membership is month to month and you can cancel at anytime. The only thing that is locked in for agreement is your first two months. This is because it is a custom service and in essence I’m blocking time for you and letting go of other opportunity costs.

With the first two months being a lock I can learn, plan, and help you to effectively implement the plan. This will be put in place for you to start building momentum. This two month commitment period is a reasonable offer for those very reasons. After that you can either continue or cancel at any time.

Question: What happens if I sign up and can’t finish the workouts due to an emergency?

Answer: In general once you have signed up there is no refund for a given month. This is because on my end the work and time investment has already been spent. This is necessary as I have to create and deliver the service for you under the assumption that we would be training for that month.

However, if you happen to start a month training and there is a legitimate emergency to arise then just contact me. In this case I will work with you to make the situation right and fair for you. More than anything I want you to be happy and pleased with the service! I promise to take care of you and treat you well!

Question: Do I have to be an elite level athlete to do this?

Answer: No, absolutely not. You can be a total beginner OR an elite level athlete to reap the benefits of this program. Once again, this is a customized online coaching program. Therefore the workouts and design of the program will be built for YOUR specific needs and goals.

Question: What if I’ve had knee surgery would I still be able to do your workouts?

Answer: Yes. Part of the customization is me learning about your needs and what you can and can’t do. Once we correspond and I learn these details then I can create a starting point for you.

From here we can build on your training and fitness to get you optimal results. Everything is a progression regardless of your starting point. In fact, I would say you’d be better off doing here if you have had to deal with a past injury. This is because it is what will determine how you will progress in your training.

Your Brandon Richey Fitness Online Customized Coaching membership involves an initial commitment of $400 sign up. Following this each month is $325. You can cancel the service at anytime as it’s month to month. However once a month is paid that month is non refundable. This is applied unless there is an exception due to certain circumstances (refer to FAQ’s section on emergency).

Also the initial $400 start up and the second month of $325 are non-refundable. This is due to the reservation of my time! Being committed to at least 2 months is a reasonable expectation for the service. After that you are responsible for letting me know about any cancellation notice. At this point the membership is month and month and you can cancel at anytime.

Who Is This Program For?

Before beginning I would suggest a few things to start. To begin, I would recommend the Brandon Richey Fitness program to all individuals.

With that being said I would encourage participants and potential participants to work towards becoming more experienced to training. It’s always a good idea to focus on basic fundamental strength movements such as squats, lunges, push ups, etc. However, this program would be a good fit for those that have either fallen out of practice and are looking to get back into serious shape, OR are serious fitness and athletic people. If you are the looking to take your training and results to the next level this service will be a simpler transition.

Look there are always exceptions. Just to be clear I understand that I identified the common population for utilizing this service, however if you really want to commit to training and need my help I will make necessary adjustments to the programming to suit your needs. My goal is to help you period. If you want to get better then I want nothing more than to help you get there!

Sign up now as there are currently a limited number of available slots. Once you sign in and return the answers to your questionnaire I’ll start building out your program. You will get your program submitted to you within 48 hours of purchase.

Note: This Discounted Rate Is For A Limited Time Only! This Rate Will Be Adjusted Back To The Original Cost Soon. 

$475 $400 Start Up Cost

& $350 $325 monthly subscription


Note: By signing up for this customized online coaching service you acknowledge that you are 100% responsible for the quality and timely execution of the Brandon Richey Fitness workouts. There are no make up workouts. You are responsible for completing the plan that is sent to you. Workouts must be completed before you receive subsequent workouts.