Brandon Richey Fitness Products And Training Programs
Brand New Product: 30 Introductory HIIT Workouts
In this program you can expect to become more proficient in basic bodyweight HIIT (High- Intensity Interval Training) conditioning. You can use this program of HIIT workouts as an add-on other exercise program you are following. You can expect to achieve time efficient workouts and burn a maximum number of calories during each workout.
Brand New Product: 30 Introductory Kettlebell Workouts
In this program of kettlebell workouts you can expect to focus on your total body strength and to become more proficient in basic kettlebell movements. You will train in foundational kettlebell exercises to improve your overall fitness and physical foundation. This program can also be used as an add-on to any other exercise program you are following…particularly if you’re following one of my other programs. Get started today!
30 Introductory Bodyweight Workouts To Enhance Your Fitness
With this program you will become more proficient in basic bodyweight movements and strength. As a result you will progress your strength and build a baseline for your cardio conditioning. This will prepare you to progress to my other more advanced programs—and to help you to be more physically functional for life in general.
Top Product: My New 120 Day Plan To Powerful Functional Fitness
This training program has been in design for well over a year now and is packed full of information which is why it’s listed on top here in the products. I wrote the entire program and SEALGrinderPT published and put their big stamp of approval on it! That’s right, I wanted to make this program just for you and design it to be of the highest standard and to help you produce real results!
This plan consists of 120 workouts, a video bank consisting of 63 videos for exercise demonstration, articles, a product recommendation section, a breakdown of the 4 elements of this program’s design, coach’s contacts, and much more! This program will transform the way you view your strength and fitness forever.
90 Day MMA Strength And Conditioning Program
I wrote this killer 90 Day MMA Strength And Conditioning Program which I collaborated with SEALGrinderPT (SGPT). The owner of SGPT and my friend Brad McLeod is a retired Navy SEAL and he has placed his stamp of approval on this program along with several rising fighters that have seen the benefits from it.
I created this program for all of my competitive fighters and it comes complete with 90 workouts, fighter interviews, product recommendations, custom supersets, and a complete video bank for you to access for proper exercise instruction. It’s huge for MMA, Combat, and even Military strength and performance. This program is also a huge asset for getting serious fitness results as well!
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