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A Proud Strength Coach That Had Some Students BRING IT!

A Proud Strength Coach That Had Some Students BRING IT!

David & Goliath by artydesigns

This weekend one of my dedicated students placed number 2 in the NATION at the WKA nationals! Jet you are a champion my friend and I just wanted to take this opportunity to tip my cap to you Jeff, Mark, and Dan this week for being dedicated to the strength and conditioning workouts that I throw in front of you! Unfortunately I wasn’t able to make the trip, but was keeping up with the play by play through facebook. It was my understanding that Jet (my student) was outsized by most of the competition, but that he pretty much decimated everyone in his path on his way to the championship bout. I would say that at the young age of 19 with a bit of experience he’ll be in that number 1 spot in no time!

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MMA Core…Getting Down To The Core Essentials!

MMA Core…Getting Down To The Core Essentials!

mma core, strength and conditioning programs

It has been a tremendous week. First of all, I just got back from Las Vegas. That’s all I need to say about that. Now on to today’s topic which involves the MMA core. It has been no secret that my involvement within the sport of MMA has been growing stronger over the past year or so. I mean I train all types of athletes, but the sport of MMA has been sort of dropped into my lap and I’ve got to tip my hat to God for helping me out with this one. It has been a great experience, but it has also been a rather surprising one in terms of the observations I have made through my strength coaching eyes. Just keep reading and you’ll get where I’m going with this one!

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A Knight’s Tale…Strength And Conditioning Recommendations For Sir Lancelot?

A Knight’s Tale…Strength And Conditioning Recommendations For Sir Lancelot?

Knights of the Damned by redshift27


Call the squire and inform him that Sir BR is about to show his fellow knights a way to build on their already mean jousting skills! I was up late Saturday night (post Saturday Night Live), yeah that late! Anyways, I came across a very interesting show on the History channel called Full Metal Jousting. Yes, believe it or not it was about modern day Knights suiting up in armored gear,  jumping on horseback, and galloping towards one another at killer speeds while trying to plant a large stick (a lance) on the shoulder of their opponent to knock his ass off his horse! Crazy sport right? I sure thought so which is why I kept on watching. As a strength and conditioning coach I couldn’t help but study their techniques and movements and try to come up with a sort of strength and conditioning assessment for the needs of the modern day Sir Lancelot!

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The Spectrum Of Human Performance…Strength, Power, And Speed!

The Spectrum Of Human Performance…Strength, Power, And Speed!

Mighty Mouse by cgosbee

The other day I had a couple of jiu-jitsu guys approach me wanting to know how I prepared one of my other students for the North American Grappling Association (NAGA) tournament. We want to get stronger to get better, they said. I immediately replied, well then I think I can help you out.  They followed up with some additional questions. How can we develop more power? What about getting faster to shoot in on an opponent? These are typical questions, but they are also very good questions. Let’s take a minute to dive into the matter at hand.

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Super Duper Effective Tactics…Time Efficient Strength Training Right Now!

Super Duper Effective Tactics…Time Efficient Strength Training Right Now!

Hourglass #2 - Kum saati #2 by oozhan

Time is always a factor! Whether you’re running a business, robbing a bank, or trying to fit your strength training in at some point during the day time is always the thing that has to be considered. Ok maybe the robbing the bank part was a bad example, but for most folks it’s not easy to fit in an effective strength training session due to time constraints. If it were easy then everybody would do it, right? Well I’m here to ease your mind because time doesn’t have to be the reason for being unproductive and weak! Keep on reading to discover how my friend.

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