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Congrats To Some Of My Tough Students At The Tough Mudder!

Congrats To Some Of My Tough Students At The Tough Mudder!

Georgia Tough Mudder


So what is the Tough Mudder? Well, it’s basically a hard ass adventure run that tests your physical and mental grit in every way possible! The Tough Mudder consists of 12 miles of misery that basically involves a battery of very innovative obstacle courses that are designed to make you want to quit, go home, and cry for mommy! These obstacle courses were designed by the British Special Forces and after seeing and hearing about the difficulty I certainly believe it!

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Muay Thai Strength And Conditioning…Training For A Mule Kick!!!

Muay Thai Strength And Conditioning…Training For A Mule Kick!!!

Sidewalk Stencil, Muleshoe, TX by Robby Virus

The older I get the more I realize just how truly incredible the power of language can be. That’s right, I said language.  The ability of being able to communicate a message to one another is a very powerful and essential thing. I may be sounding like Captain Obvious (Using the Captain Obvious Reference again ;-))here, however even though we may be capable of communicating a message to one another sometimes the receiver of that message may not always interpret our message the way we intended it to be communicated. Let that sink in for a second. Hopefully you are interpreting this message the way I intended it to be. So where am I going with this? Just keep reading Grasshopper!

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Strength Training Faith…Have You Bought Into What You Are Doing?

Strength Training Faith…Have You Bought Into What You Are Doing?

faith moves mountains by jimalone

“My God given talent is my ability to stick with training longer than anybody else.”– Herschel Walker

The truth is that in order to succeed at any endeavor you’ve got to have faith in what you are doing. In terms of being either a great athlete or in super great shape you’ve got to believe in your strength training program, period. Without the belief in what you are doing you might as well be sitting on the couch eating twinkies while breathing louder than anybody in the room.

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MMA Strength And Conditioning For Elite Performance!

MMA Strength And Conditioning For Elite Performance!

I have been a fitness trainer and strength and conditioning specialist here in the Atlanta, Ga.(Buford) area now for over 10 years. I know I could tell you, but my fighters and athletes will all tell you that you’ve got to have a well planned strength and conditioning program in order to be successful in the sport of MMA, as well as, any other sport for that matter.

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Getting A Ripped Body MMA Style!

Getting A Ripped Body MMA Style!

Rob Mills training for BAMMA 5, Nov 2010 by Hywel Teague

Have you ever wondered why so many MMA fighters have a ripped physique? Are you interested in obtaining the same physical traits for yourself?  If so then you have stumbled onto the right place my friend.  Keep on reading if you want to learn about what it takes  to get ripped MMA style!

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