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The Kinetic Chain: Breaking The Weak Link To Optimize Your Strength

The Kinetic Chain: Breaking The Weak Link To Optimize Your Strength

Are you familiar with the kinetic chain? 

  1. Have you been training your body to eliminate weak links? 
  2. Are you currently battling with injury and tweaks throughout your body? 
  3. Are you looking to strengthen every muscle in your body, or kinetic chain? 

An illustration of the kinetic chain. When Achilles was a little baby his mother dipped him into a river of magic in order to protect him from the world. It worked because Achilles could not be harmed except on the one heel that his mother neglected to submerge in the water because of where she held him when she dipped him into the water.

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Killing Strength: Your Smart Phone Is Killing Your Gains!

Killing Strength: Your Smart Phone Is Killing Your Gains!

If you’ve been following my social media for any length of time you’ve probably noticed that I frequently point out certain distractions that the general public engages in way too much in this day and age. These distractions are specific behaviors that have without a doubt dumbed down the general population and may very well be killing everyone’s gains!

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Resourceful Strength: Making Big Gains With Minimal Equipment

Resourceful Strength: Making Big Gains With Minimal Equipment

  1. Are you short on equipment when it comes to your strength training? 
  2. Are you interested in learning more about how to make serious fitness and strength gains with minimal equipment? 
  3. Are you interested in building a solid and resourceful strength and conditioning plan using more bodyweight training, or with unconventional equipment such as kettlebells and medicine balls?

Yes, the more resources that are available to you the better, however those resources don’t always have to be defined as just having a fully stocked weight room. No, knowledge of training and the grit to leverage what resources you do have at your disposal are what will really yield you the biggest results! In short, a creative approach and the ability to tap into what you have will always trump just having access to a bunch of bells and whistles.

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Unconventional Medicine Ball Training For Strength

Unconventional Medicine Ball Training For Strength

  1. Are you currently using medicine ball training in your strength and conditioning workouts? 
  2. Are you interested in learning about some unconventional medicine ball training movements to enhance your strength training workouts? 
  3. Are you currently looking to enhance your physical function for better athleticism and to build lean muscle? 

The key to acquiring significant physical function is to become proficient with movement, as well as being able to resist movement at the right time. A well designed training plan can incorporate both of these elements and for the sake of today’s article it can be done with something as simple as a dynamic medicine ball training strategy.

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Mastering The Frontal Plane For Athleticism And Optimal Fitness

Mastering The Frontal Plane For Athleticism And Optimal Fitness

As strength coaches one thing that enables us to advance a trainee, or athlete is being able to identify weaknesses. It’s sort of counterintuitive because even though we’re called “strength coaches” in many cases the ability for us to investigate and identify weaknesses is what makes us successful. It’s sort of like we’re the Sherlock Holmes detectives of the iron game!

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