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Building A Strong Back With Iron Shoulders!

Building A Strong Back With Iron Shoulders!

Having a strong back is crucial to developing and maintaining a healthy strong body regardless of the goals of the individual. The posterior chain is something that is too neglected with much of the general population when looking to develop an optimal level of fitness and a rock solid foundation of strength. Now having said this there are layers involved in building a strong back…and one big layer involves making sure your shoulders are as stable as iron.

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How To Optimize Your Strength With Age

How To Optimize Your Strength With Age

Throughout my life there have been many times where I’ve heard some people say things that result in the outcomes that they undoubtedly create…and it’s usually not for the best. For instance, there have been times when some guy that was of the same age, or older would look at me train and make a comment that they wouldn’t be doing what I was doing because they were too old. Of course, this is simply not true.

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Are You Neglecting This Strength Movement?

Are You Neglecting This Strength Movement?

Part of my job involves examining how people move and to also determine how they should be moving based on my experience as a coach and athlete. The reality is that more and more people in the general population are moving worse and worse in this day and age. This more than likely is because of the explosion of sitting jobs.

Today I’m not going to go down the same ‘ole path examining how poorly and immobilized people’s hips and shoulders are (ok maybe I will touch on this a little), but instead I’m going to look at another movement that many people neglect in their strength and conditioning training. Stay tuned my young Jedi of strength!

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3 Powerful Push Up Variations For Building Lean Muscle Mass

3 Powerful Push Up Variations For Building Lean Muscle Mass

  1. Are you looking to learn about how to implement some push up variations to challenge you in a completely different way? 
  2. Are you looking to learn some push ups to enhance your physical function and help you to build some lean muscle? 
  3. Are you open to getting out of your comfort zone to challenge yourself with some unique push ups?

There a many push up variations for you to implement to build lean muscle and function. Push ups are one of the most powerful exercises you can have in your arsenal of strength movements. Let’s face it…push ups are cheap, convenient, challenging and when mastered the variations are almost endless. The push up takes a backseat to nobody. As far as looking for the most immediate answer to acquiring strength, lean muscle, and efficiency what better exercise is there for your go to than the tried and true push up?

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The Mental Edge: Beating The Doubt Monster & Blazing Your Own Trail

The Mental Edge: Beating The Doubt Monster & Blazing Your Own Trail

The key to being able to make the biggest gains both in training and in life is to devote yourself to a cause and to not let up from pursuing that cause regardless of what setbacks, attacks, and downfalls you may encounter. This is where you will find yourself at a crossroads deciding whether or not to weather the storm, or to get blown off the path like a feather in a tornado. If it were easy then everyone would do it, but rest assured that you will learn a lot about yourself and what it takes to have the mental edge to overcome hardship and failure.

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