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Kettlebells: Mental Toughness And Strength Combined!

Kettlebells: Mental Toughness And Strength Combined!

Kettlebells And Mental Toughness…

In the world of strength and conditioning I always like to touch on the characteristic of mental toughness. Today I’m going to talk about how this particular trait goes hand in hand with kettlebell training and the successful mindset of fitness in general. Keep on reading if I have your attention.

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Fat People In Fat Health Clubs…

Fat People In Fat Health Clubs…

Ok so most of the time I like to dish out informative training programs, lifting techniques, and workouts that I hope would make the likes of agent 007 proud to participate, but today I’m going to break away from the mold for a moment.  This country (The U.S.) is fatter, lazier, and softer than ever.  Thats right, I said it! Ole’ BR is going on a soapbox today!


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Plyometrics: A Single Explosive MMA Workout Routine!

Plyometrics: A Single Explosive MMA Workout Routine!

1. Are you familiar with plyometrics?

2. Did you know that plyometrics can significantly improve your fitness and performance for MMA, sports, and life? 

3. Did you know plyometrics are also a means to help you shred body fat in addition to upgrading your athleticism?

As a strength and conditioning coach I’ve been able to successfully use plyometrics for years to train hundreds of MMA, competitive athletes, and serious fitness enthusiast. Plyometrics are defined as exercises that are designed to produce short intense burst of powerful movements such as jumping and bounding.

In a nutshell plyometrics are designed to trigger your nervous system so that your body’s muscles are repeatedly stretched and shortened in a rapid manner. This type of training is exceptionally valuable for all forms of athletic performance including MMA fighting performance. Keep on reading if you want to know how to ramp up your MMA program.

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MMA: Final Week Strength And Conditioning Workout For My Competing Fighters!

MMA: Final Week Strength And Conditioning Workout For My Competing Fighters!

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter by ChristopherjSmith

The following workout consists of my final training week for 2 of my competing fighters after a 6 week plan. The focus of this last training session was to emphasize big core movements for the optimal development of strength, power, and speed. There has been a steady increase of intensity (increased weighted resistance/volume) over the course of the 6 week periodization plan. There is also some additional emphasis on cardio with the inclusion of more strength endurance/mobility based drills along with combining lifts with a  superset structure. Feel free to give this a try, but ease into the volume and amount of weight being lifted. Make sure that you progress by executing a quality lift rather than allowing heavy weight to compromise your technique!

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3 Total Body Lifts For Extreme Strength!

3 Total Body Lifts For Extreme Strength!

During all of my years of training and experience with discovering how to build on strength I have learned many things. One of the many things that I have learned is that “strength” has many forms. Some guys are great lifting heavy weight, some do outstanding things with just their own body resistance, and some are very fast and agile. Because of the many characteristics that display varying types of strength I have included 3 different lifts that will help you to contribute to speed, power, size, and muscular endurance.  Keep on reading if I have your attention.
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