Circle of Misery – A Cardio and Resistance Workout That Will Chisel Your Body More Than Anything!
I would like to introduce the Circle of Misery. This is one major calorie burning workout that will get your heart pumping and your muscles bulging. The setting of this workout involves a quarter mile track, 4 markers (like cones or plastic bottles) and 2 kettlebells that can be the same or different weight depending on how intense you want to be with the workout.
To get started you want to find a quarter-mile track at a high school or park. You need to use the 4 markers to set up at equal distances apart at 4 corners around the track. Next you want to set up the kettlebells at 2 of the opposing markers diagonal to each other. Now the work starts. Depending on how advanced you are you can either jog or run at a higher pace around the track. Each marker that you come to will be a different station of torture within the circuit training course. The structure of the torture stations can be set up however you desire, but I like to stay consistent with my personal philosophy of implementing the push/pull method. So as you start your run and come to the first station with the kettlebell stop and execute a pull exercise like double-arm swings. Immediately set it down and continue your run when you are finished with the desired number of swings. When you get to the next marker stop and execute a series of push movements like push-ups. You understand where I am going with this program, right? Continue on and execute another pull movement to the next station with the second bell. Finally, you finish out with a push exercise.
This big circuit, with intervals of running, will shed body-fat off of you quicker than any workout you have ever tried to tackle. Enjoy the Circle of Misery!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at |