Combination Kettlebell Drills For Women!
For you women that are willing to do what it takes to develop the body you most desire then let this article sink in as you read through it! All you need is a single kettlebell of relatively moderate resistance and a base knowledge of some basic kettlebell lifts for you to burn that excess body-fat right off!
First of all, the following workout will consist of an array of kettlebell drills that is great for all women to perform. Kettlebell training for women is a growing trend everyday and the reason why is because of the profound results women are seeing from using this ancient tool. To start, I have used this circuit with many of my female clients and the results have been tremendous.
To begin, set the kettlebell on the ground between your feet. Make sure that you are in a flat open area when doing this workout. Mark off a walking distance from the kettlebell that extends to about 20 yards away from you. Begin by picking the kettlebell up with your right arm. Immediately perform 10 one-arm swings. After the 10th swing immediately perform 10 swing, clean, and presses. After the 10th swing, clean, and press then perform 10 overhead snatches. When you complete the 10th overhead snatch keep the kettlebell overhead with your shoulder and elbow locked into place and begin walking the marked 20 yard distance that you marked off. Once you reach the opposite side simply drop the kettlebell, switch arms, and repeat the process on the left arm.
This combination of kettlebell drills is great for women to learn and apply total-body muscular control. The series of kettlebell drills are structured to flow from one to the next in smooth transition. There is no better battery of drills that you can implement to achieve an optimal level of fat-loss! Give it a try ladies.
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com
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