Crazy Core Strength – The Best Core Workout For Athletes is Right Here!
Real core building exercises must include the overhead kettlebell snatch! As a competitive athlete you may have heard of the ancient kettlebell by now and realize that this ancient device has been around for centuries forging the greatest athletic bodies the planet has ever seen. This is no cheap infomercial fad product. This is the REAL thing when it comes down to getting you real results.
So what is the single arm overhead kettlebell snatch? Well, in short, the snatch is an olympic style lift that involves you vertically pulling the kettlebell from either the ground or between your legs up to a held position above your head. This pulling movement is done by you forcefully having to flex and then extend at both your hips and knees in order to vertically pull the bell to a high position lateral to your head.
Once the bell is at this high position next to your head you then complete the lift by vertically punching your palm towards the sky locking out both your shoulders and elbows. This core conditioning exercise is unlike anything you will ever try. From this single lift you incorporate hundreds of your muscles at once in order to complete the task of lifting it. This core fitness exercise will help you develop tremendous core strength, hip power, shoulder stability, and the cardiovascular fitness of a race horse! If you are a serious athlete looking to gain an edge then this is it.
As a strength and conditioning specialist I highly recommend this lift to all serious athletes. This is a core workout for everyone that is looking to elevate their game. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart my friend! Give it a try.
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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