Explosive Cardio!
If you are looking for a way to gain superior cardiovascular fitness then you have got to attempt the following workout. The old mindset of “cardio” being thought of as only “aerobic in nature” is thrown out the window right here my friends. Keep reading to learn what I am talking about.
First of all, if you want to achieve REAL cardiovascular fitness then you have got to ramp up your intensity. Cardiovascular training doesn’t only consist of “aerobic” training. Forget about the treadmill or elliptical trainer here my friends. For this workout you will need 2 items. You will need a set of stairs or bleachers and a single kettlebell of moderately heavy resistance. Start out the drill on flat ground with the kettlebell. Squat and pick up the bell with both hands. Next perform a series of double-arm overhead swings for 30 repetitions. As soon as you are finished set the kettlebell down and sprint up the flight of stairs or bleachers. Try to sprint a height of about 2 to 3 stories if possible. If the bleachers or stairs you are using are less than the recommended height then sprint more times. Learn to manage with what you have. This is a great kettlebell cardio workout. By combining both of these drills you stand to make some serious gains in your cardiovascular fitness.
Trust me, if you want to step up your cardiovascular conditioning then you have got to step up your cardiovascular exercise! Train hard and give it a try!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com |