Extreme Muscle – Best Damn Upper Body Exercise For Superior Core Strength!
I have worked with athletes and serious fitness enthusiast for a long time and the best upper body exercise that seems to get their attention every time involves the kettlebell push up renegade rows! This is a push up exercise performed with kettlebells that is not for the weak minded.
So what are kettlebell push up renegade rows? Well, for starters it is an upper body lift to help you build tremendous core strength, lose weight, and burn fat all at once! This single exercise involves both a pushing and pulling dynamic that is sure to challenge many muscles in your body for serious above the waist strength. To begin, you will need a pair of moderately heavy kettlebells of equal weight. From here you will want to get into an upright push up position while stabilizing your body holding yourself up with the kettlebells.
The bells should be about shoulder width distance apart in length. Make sure your grip is a mid pronated one (with your fist palms facing each other). Next, simply execute a push up lowering your chest between the kettlebells. After you come up perform a row with the bell from the ground to your ribcage. After you lower it back to the ground simply perform another push up and row the opposite bell to your ribcage. Each push up is followed by a kettlebell row. I guarantee you this upper body strength training exercise beats anything your peers are doing in the gym!
For serious upper body muscle workouts you have to include the kettlebell push up renegade rows. It incorporates tremendous upper body stability, strength, and power development that you need to reach Greek God status! Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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