Focus On Training Movement Instead Of Muscle
- Which muscle group should you train more of?
- Is the focus of your training targeting the improvement of your functional movement?
- Are you programming your training for smarter gains?
- Is your training making you more injury prone, or more resistant to injury?
Most importantly your focus should shift from worrying about training muscle groups to training movement patterns. Because I’ve been in the fitness business for over 17 years I can tell you most people develop movement dysfunction due to a number of reasons. The cause of these are typically due to poor movement, improper lifting technique, and bad exercise selection.
Training Movement
Sitting jobs
First of all, I’m not trying to paint with too broad a brush here. However, this epidemic of broken posture and weak posterior muscles is due to the fact that society has undergone a huge change in the career world. These days this is due to what I refer to as the birth of sitting jobs.
The days of people working in the fields or factories are long gone for the majority of the population. As a result this has created an entire generation of people with broken posture. The cause of this broken posture is largely brought on by people developing immobile hips, forward rounding shoulders, and a slouching torso due to too much spinal flexion.
This weak sunken posture derived from excessive sitting causes your body to fold forward. It almost resembles you rolling yourself up like a newspaper. In addition to the act of sitting another contributor to this broken posture is a side effect of weak posterior muscle development. So a weak posterior is a recipe for disaster.
So when you combine these two things you end up with what we refer to in the industry as anterior dominance. The big issue with anterior dominance is that many people actually make this situation worse with poor exercise selection.
For this reason many people make this mistake with anterior dominance by walking into the gym to perform exercises such as the bench press and crunches. This only reinforces this broken condition of anterior dominance. Since this condition of anterior dominance is typically something that many people already have due to their current lifestyle factors this would be a poor choice of exercise.
The 2 to 1 ratio
To combat anterior dominance and as a general rule of thumb I like to program a 2 to 1 pull to push exercise ratio to help this problem. This is a smart tactic to correct broken posture and to force most people to develop more functional muscular symmetry through developing good posture.
So what do I mean by a 2 to 1 ratio?
Consequently for every pushing related exercise that you perform in your workouts you either want to perform 2 pulling movements, or twice the volume of pulling compared to pushing during a training session.
As a result some good examples of pulling related movements would involve the following exercises…
Single arm rows
T-bar rows
Kettlebell swings
Kettlebell snatches
Resisted band pull aparts
Training Movement: The takeaway
Finally, when it comes to building optimal strength and fitness you need to shift your focus. In other words, you need to emphasize executing more foundational movement patterns. Additionally it’s a good idea for you to emphasize incorporating more pulling related movements. By emphasizing more of these pulling movements into your strength program it will help you to combat this condition of anterior dominance.
Do you currently suffer from anterior dominance?
What are you currently doing to combat your broken posture?
Post up and share here below in the comment section.
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