Forging a Body of Steel – 2 Sound Reasons the Kettlebell Helps You Turn Your Body Into Steel!
I have found that since I have included the iron cannonball into my program that my strength and conditioning levels have soared. I am able to lift more weight, do more work, and do it a lot! The reason for this can be primarily summed up in two explanations. Take a moment to read and learn these so you can include this tool into your program for you to forge a body of steel!
1. The Design: The first characteristic of the bell that makes it so effective lies in it’s design. The unique round design with the handle makes it difficult to hold. When lifting the bell and attempting to hold it you will find that it always wants to pull away from you body or center of gravity. This pulling away of the weight is what causes your body to counter-react in order to keep it stable. The process of your body having to counter-react is where you draw strength from handling the device without you even realizing it. So when you initiate more advanced lifts this “pulling away” factor is amplified even more, therefore amplifying your strength.
2. The Dynamic: The second characteristic of the bell that makes it such a dominant strength training device is in the way you train with it. The method or style of training is very dynamic. Training with the kettlebell is very much an art form in and of itself. It teaches us how to truly utilize the way we move our bodies. Our bodies are machines that are designed for three dimensional movement. When training with the kettlebell you will find that the way you train with this device is through the three dimensional movement of resisted type lifts. Not only do you gain strength from this, but this is where you gain the superior fitness, as well as, cardiovascular conditioning.
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com |