Get Lean Abs – The Single Best Exercise For Women to Get Six Pack Abs is Here!
As a strength and conditioning specialist and professional I can tell you that there is just about nothing better than the overhead kettlebell swing when it comes down to getting you lean and defined abs. Ladies by now you may be familiar with the ancient kettlebell and understand that this particular strength and conditioning device has forged some of the greatest bodies in the history of this planet. If not then I am here to tell you that it is!
The double arm overhead kettlebell swing is an exercise that is so exerting that you will feel that you just sprinted for 500 yards after only executing 30 or 40 repetitions of it. This exercise targets your core and incorporates hundreds of your muscles to give you a lean defined midsection. The only way for you to get that six pack set of abs is to lose the belly fat. This exercise is great at turning your body into a fat burning machine to help you get rid of all of your excess body fat!
To execute this lift simply pick the kettlebell up with both arms. Stand with your feet at shoulder width distance. From here simply execute a necessary technique in kettlebell training known as the hip snap. The hip snap is performed by you constantly and fluently flexing and extending at both your hips and knees to generate the necessary force to swing the bell back and forth like a pendulum. Once you build up enough momentum allow the kettlebell to swing completely above your head. This is a definite winner for women to get six pack abs!
Ladies if you haven’t taken the time to get acquainted with the kettlebell then you are missing out. Your fitness and strength program will change forever once you invest the necessary time to learn even the most basic lifts such as this one. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart! Give it a try.
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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