Guaranteed Hard Body – A Single Lift Workout to Get You Ripped!
Exercises that are successful in getting your body ripped must involve whole body movements, they must be intense, and they have to be kettlebell snatches. By now you may be familiar with kettlebells and know that they are ancient strength and conditioning devices that have been around for over three centuries. Not only do these devices provide you with mind blowing strength, but they can also provide you with a cardio workout second to none!
The single arm overhead kettlebell snatch is a very dynamic lift that is explosive in nature and is tremendous for helping you to develop superior core strength, hip power, shoulder stability, and a fat blasting cardio workout to help you incinerate body fat. Getting ripped doesn’t require a fully stocked gym. All you need is an iron bell and the knowledge to perform this single lift to take your workouts to a whole new level.
The single arm snatch is performed by you forcefully flexing and then extending at both your hips and knees to create the necessary momentum to lift the bell from between your legs up to a held position above your head. This is done by vertically pulling your arm back (like mimicking pulling back on a bow) and elevating the bell to a lateral position to your head. Once the kettlebell reaches this high pull position then you have to vertically punch your palm towards the sky locking out both your shoulder and elbow. This concludes a repetition of this king of all exercises to get you ripped. To begin, attempt to perform 30 of these (15 per arm) with a moderately heavy bell. As you get better then work up to doing 40 or 50 reps!
If you haven’t taken the time to get yourself acquainted with kettlebells then let this article be your start. If you don’t then you are only holding back your progress. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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