Hells Bells – Top Strength Workouts For Runners!
If you are tired of hitting a wall in your running program then you need to apply the following strength lifting workout in order to break through that plateau. Kettlebell swings are one of the best strength exercises for runners. By now you may be familiar with the ancient kettlebell and understand that this ancient strength and conditioning device has had a major role in constructing the world’s greatest athletes and strongmen. It is also perfect in helping you to construct the perfect running program.
The base lift of the kettlebell is the double arm swing. This lift is performed by you picking the kettlebell up with both arms and swinging it back and forth like a pendulum from between your legs up to chest height. This is performed by you initiating a technique in kettlebell training known as the hip snap. The hip snap is performed by you constantly and fluently flexing and extending at both your hips and knees to build the necessary momentum to swing the bell. If you haven’t done this then you are in for a hard hitting surprise of a cardiovascular workout. This single lift is so exerting that I guarantee your heart rate will jump quicker than any run you have participated in. This is why this lift is so valuable for runners. This single lift incorporates hundreds of your muscles at once and is a strength endurance workout that is sure to help you blast through that dreaded wall! Kettlebell swings are surely Hell’s Bells!
If you want to blast through plateaus without hesitation then kettlebell swings are for you. Take the time to learn more about how to properly execute this lift my friend. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart! Give it a try.
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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