What are your rates?
Personal Training: My rates are determined by the package that the consumer wants to commit to as well as the length of the commitment. If you are doing one on one personal training the rates are done in blocks of 10 session minimum commitments and can range from $80 per session and up. This is the most consistent range but rates can go below $80 per session depending on the number of sessions and location of the client.
Group Classes: Our rates are determined by the number of commitments that want to participate in the class. My classes can be ran at any designated location on site and usually occur outdoors. The start of these classes will be announced about a month or two in advance to allow time for advertising and registration. The rates usually vary depending on the numbers and length of the programs being requested. All sessions require a full up front payment.
Athletic Performance (Speed, Power, & Agility): The athletic performance program is again based on numbers and level of commitment. If it involves 1 or 2 individuals then the same rate applies as the one on one personal training package. If the groups increase in numbers from 3-10 athletes then the rates are going to be between $30 and $35 per athlete per session. This per person rate can continue to drop to $25, $20, & $15 depending on the specific number that can commit to the package.
Kettlebell Strength And Conditioning Program: Rates are determined by the numbers of participants along with the above packages excluding the cost of the kettlebell itself if the client wants their own. *Note* Brandon Richey Fitness clients, potential clients, and visitors to this site can purchase their own kettlebellsby clicking on the highlighted hyperlinks above or visiting our affiliates and products page to order any kettlebell, retail, or other equipment needs by clicking on the logos of your choice.
What is a Kettlebell?
The Kettlebell is what I would describe as an iron cannonball with a handle attached to it. The Russians are known for molding there military, law enforcement, and olympic athletes with this gruesome tool that is designed for hard body success! The Brandon Richey Fitness philosophy on developing the hardest, fittest, and best conditioned body revolves around large bodily movements. The Kettlebell is a perfect tool that fits into the mold of the Brandon Richey Fitness philosophy of training. The Kettlebell as it is used in the Brandon Richey Fitness way of training involves practice because it is a fitness form of art!
What is strength and why is it important?
To me this sounds like a silly question, but for those that need an answer I’ll provide one. First of all, strength is a necessity to perform any physical task. I have worked with people in the past that at first were incapable of performing the most basic bodily movements. Secondly, to perform basic body weight related movements such as squats and push-ups it takes practice.
The definition of strength is the body’s ability to produce tension and maximize muscular tension. I have to explain to people that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So when you practice a basic body weight related movement like push-ups and squats you are applying force to the body which in turn creates tension! This is how you create strength and those basic movements can be enhanced into more intense drills such as with the addition of weights and more advanced movements.
If you are serious about getting results then you need to contact me today to help get you started! I don’t care what your goals are you have got to work on your strength development in order to obtain them. I can be reached and scheduled to train with you if you are in the Johns Creek, Buford, Alpharetta, Suwanee, or Duluth areas. Never fear if you are out of state or in another country because I also can be scheduled for private clinics, speaking engagements, and consulting to athletic and other organizational entities!