Kettlebell Muscle – The 2 Best Exercises to Build Super Fit Muscle!
If you are looking for some exercises to gain muscle then you have arrived at the best place possible! Kettlebell training is a style of training for guys and girls that want to build bodies to stand out in a crowd. If you are serious about your fitness and you don’t mind turning some heads then the following 2 exercises are just for you.
1. Dual Kettlebell Man Makers: Now ladies don’t let the name of this exercise turn you off because it is great for you too. This is a serious exercise to burn fat and build muscle for you better than anything. To execute this drill you will need a pair of kettlebells of equal weight. Place the bells between your feet. To start the lift properly clean both kettlebells to your chest and then immediately set them back on the ground about shoulder width apart in length. Now the next part is very important. Make sure that you don’t remove your grip from the bells. As soon as you set them back on the ground perform a squat thrust while stabilizing your body on the kettlebells. Kick your feet back behind you placing your body into an upright push up position on the kettlebells and then immediately thrust your feet back up underneath you to stand up and clean the bells to your chest once again. Continue this process for about 10 reps with a pair of moderately heavy bells.
2. Dual Kettlebell Seesaw Presses: For this exercise you will once again need a pair of kettlebells of equal weight. To start properly clean the bells to your chest. Next, hold one bell at the rack position and press the other one overhead. Now as soon as you start to lower the first bell began pressing the second bell before the first bell is racked at the resting position. You are essentially pressing both kettlebells here up and down in continuous motion, hence the name seesaw press. This is a sure workout to build lean muscle and strengthen your shoulders as good as anything. If you want to optimize your workout to help you lose fat and gain muscle more quickly then combine this drill with the first drill mentioned in this article. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend.
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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Hey thank you very much! Give these a try and please feel free to come back and let me know how your workouts are going!