Kettlebells and Sprinting!
If you want to try an intense workout for you to gain superior sprinting power and to keep your body sharp then you need to find an open field and a kettlebell for this workout. This is a highly effective sprint training routine for developing both athleticism and promoting fat-loss.
To begin, you can mark off a distance of about 25 yards. Start at one end of the marker with your kettlebell. For optimal benefit you will want to use a kettlebell of moderately heavy resistance. I am an experienced professional and for this particular drill I like to utilize a 24kg (53 lb) kettlebell. From here you are going to execute four different kettlebell exercises and then immediately sprint for the 25 yard distance.
Now this sounds simple enough, right? Make sure you execute at least 30 repetitions of each kettlebell lift and then sprint the 25 yards. Pick four bell exercises. Execute one of the exercises then sprint. Next, after you recover execute the next exercise and then sprint. You see where I’m going with the pattern. Try to give yourself no more than 45 seconds rest between each lift and sprint combo. After you complete the 4 exercises you have completed one round. When you begin this workout try to execute at least 3 rounds. As you improve then either steadily add on bell lifts to each round or simply add more rounds!
To achieve total cardiovascular dominance you must maintain a steady regimen of total-body intensity. Forget about the stationary bike. All you are doing there is wasting your time pedaling to nowhere!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com |
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