How To Develop Nuclear Explosive Leg Power…
by: Brandon Richey–Get Free Updates And Training Guides Here
How To Develop Nuclear Explosive Leg Power…
So today I’m talking about nuclear explosive leg power development. That’s right, this blogisode is about vertical leap increasing, donkey kick striking, cheetah like speed running, all out leg explosion development. This article will change the world. Is that enough to get your attention? If so share this with the world! Ok, you can read the rest of the article first.
Explosive Legs…
The truth is that there are many measures of leg power. If we look at athletic performance the fact is that leg power can be displayed in a number of different ways. From a receiver in football having to jump over a defensive player to catch a football all the way to the octagon with an MMA fighter delivering a donkey powered kick to knock his opponent into next year.
Now we can lift a sh*t load of weight in order to get strong, but we also want to be able to develop a certain neural drive in order to significantly increase force production. I’m a big big BIG believer in doing this by combining the implementation of strength development along with effective plyometric training. In terms of developing leg power there are plenty of ways to do this with an intelligent and properly progressive plyometric program.
Here’s one way you can advance your leg power!

So if we are wanting to develop a pair of leg bombs with some serious power one way of doing this is by practicing some standard box, or bleacher jumps. I’ve got some old footage of me demonstrating these on some bleachers if you don’t have any plyo-boxes available for this drill. Check it out here.
The key to executing these is to make sure that when you jump that you jump hard, but land soft. You see a common mistake folks make with box jumps is that they tend to “pound” or “stampede” their jumps which can eventually do a number on the joints. Just make sure to strive for quality jumps and landings.
Here’s some boxes you can jump on!!!

In the previous video I demonstrated a standard double legged (bilateral) box jump. Additionally we can intensify this by working in some unilateral plyometric jumps as well. Here’s a little demonstration I did just this week on some boxes working in some different unilateral jump variations. Just keep in mind that I would recommend that you feel very comfortable with both your level of squat strength and with performing the double leg jumps before attempting these.
These are significantly more intense. I was a little out of practice and I’m not making excuses, but I’ve had both knees reconstructed. Because of this having certainty in my progressions and personal level of ability is a MUST so I highly recommend that you do the same.
The key is to make sure you are steadily getting stronger and consistently incorporating some plyometric training into the fabric of your regular routine. I wouldn’t recommend attempting any advanced plyometrics without the guidance from a qualified coach or trainer. This method is great for getting you a pair of nuclear explosive legs, but you don’t want to end up tending to an injury in the ER next to the guy with the bullet wound in his knee cap either.
More ways to develop total power and strength!

The good news is that if you are looking at advancing your leg power program and want to make sure that your progressions are sound then I can help you out. For starters you can sign up to join my emailing list here if you haven’t already. If you have started into your own leg power training program and have any questions you can also post them up right here in the comment box below the article. Don’t be shy. Please post up your questions and comments.
Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend.
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How To Develop Nuclear Explosive Leg Power…
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Brandon everybody tells you crunches are no good what is one or two exercises for your abs using kettle bells that work upper and lower abs and oblique’s also?
Rick crunches are ok to train the rectus abdominis muscles, but given the postural problems I run into with many people it’s not an exercise that I really implement. Additionally there are many muscles, including the abs, that are in need of training throughout the torso.
I’m big on trying to develop everything from the abs to the, obliques, transversus, and serratus muscles. As far as doing this with the kettle bell you can incorporate a few things such halos, farmer’s walks, and my favorite the turkish get up.
Get ups are especially good because they involve bending, stabilizing, and working to train shoulder stability as well. Give those a shot and you can look those up under my Products/Training Programs tab at the top and click on Videos. Thanks again Rick.
A solid article that highlights the distinction between being “strong” and being “functionally strong.” Building appreciable muscle mass is the end of the road for many and they pull up way too short of the mark. I’ve seen guys with enough leg muscle to squat the gym who couldn’t do a vertical jump of two feet to save their own life.
I remember some research I ran across years ago the focused on Power Lifters. If I remember correctly the average person is capable of accessing approximately 25% of available muscle fiber in a given movement patter. Top Power Lifters were in the 50 – 55% range. As you stated, neural drive is key, and for many the appearance of physical strength is as far as they go. With a very small amount of additional work they could actually be capable of demonstrating strength.
At least some of us have seen a person or people with a lot of muscle mass waddle up the steps to the gym and and the short trip taxed them. Crazy to see, but that’s just one of things that happens when deepening and refining neurological pathways is neglected. Just a little more work and the problem resolves … why short change yourself?
You got it Doc and you are right on point about the study you read as well. Additionally I wanted to point out the different types of strength. In this case the element of “speed strength” is at the center of discussion.
Being able to rapidly contract a muscle allows an athlete to call on immediate torque if you will, to be better at pulling a weight off the floor faster past that “sticking point”, or for being able to react faster than an opponent on the field of play.
I also am trying to help folks eliminate that “waddle factor” as you pointed out! Once again, awesome feedback Doc. By the way I hope you have a great Memorial Day and thank you so much for your service! Guys like you, your son, and both my grandparents make all this freedom possible. 🙂