No Exercise Equipment, No Problem!
Most people don’t like to think of body-weight training as an effective means to workout. Those people that think that way are very ignorant. For starters, I have seen many tough guys beg for mercy during an arsenal of body-weight circuits. The truth is that you can utilize your body’s resistance to obtain massive fitness results.
To begin, I want to talk about a highly effective circuit that you can perform with your own body-weight that will drastically speed up your fat-loss and weight-loss progress. All you will need for this circuit is a flat open space, your own body, and the willingness to work! No equipment, no problem. To start, you are going to perform 5 different exercises totaling 50 repetitions. The objective is to go from one exercise to the next without any rest in between. Once you complete the 5 exercises then you have completed one cycle. The first exercise you will perform will be normal push-ups. Execute 10 and then transition to the next drill. From the push-ups you will want to perform thrusting push-ups. These are executed by you doing a normal push-up and thrusting your knees up underneath your body and then thrusting them back until your body is extended to perform another push-up. You will perform 10 of these and then immediately transition into a series of squat thrusts. From squat thrusts simply start executing burpees for 10 reps. Finally, finish up with executing burpees with a vertical jump at the very end for the final 10 reps. This is 50 total reps of a body-weight circuit that I guarantee will give you a workout! Just make sure that you keep each drill for 10 reps.
Like I said most people don’t think of standing body-weight drills as being an effective workout. I dare you to try this circuit for about 3 cycles and then come and tell me that it’s not effective! Keep training hard my friends.
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com |