Out Jump the Competition – 2 Best Exercises to Increase Your Vertical Jump!
In order to enhance your athleticism to increase your vertical leap you must include a combination of 2 different exercises. The first type of exercise is kettlebell training and the other is the implementation of plyometric exercises. Both of these styles of training are great for forcing your body to develop explosive athletic qualities which are necessary for completing the task of vertical jumping ability. I have included both a kettlebell exercise and a plyometric drill to help you to develop dominant vertical jumping muscles. Apply both of these to your own strength and conditioning program.
1. The Single Arm Overhead Kettlebell Snatch: This particular kettlebell lift is second to none when it comes down to helping you develop tremendous athletic explosiveness. To perform this drill you need a moderately heavy kettlebell. This lift involves you forcefully lifting the bell from either off of the floor or from between your legs up to a held position above your head. This is done by you powerfully flexing and then extending at both your hips and knees in order to create the necessary momentum to pull the kettlebell to a high position laterally to your head. Once the bell is at this high position you then must punch your palm vertically to the sky locking both your shoulder and elbow into place. This is a great vertical leap workout to help you build core strength, hip power, and shoulder stability all at once.
2. The Weighted Squat Jump: With this particular exercise you can load your body by wearing a weighted vest, using dumbells, or even holding kettlebells. Make sure that you perform this on a good flat surface. Begin the exercise by squatting and then immediately and explosively jumping off of the ground by fully extending at both your hips and knees. Make sure that when you land that you land on the ground heel to toe immediately allowing your knees and hips to flex to transition right back into the following jump. Perform each jump in rapid succession. This is a powerful plyometric that is sure to increase your vertical jump. If you haven’t implemented drills like this one into your vertical jump workout then you are missing out my friend. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart!
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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