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Close Your Eyes For Optimal Functional Fitness

Close Your Eyes For Optimal Functional Fitness

  1. Are you interested in improving your functional fitness in a unique way?
  2. Are you interested in developing an ability to master movement? 
  3. Are you ready to take your training to the next level?

Believe it or not one unique training tactic that I will lean on at times to polish up a trainee’s technique involves blindfolding them, or having them close their eyes during the execution of some strength movements.

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Are You Applying The Irradiation Principle For Optimal Strength Gains?

Are You Applying The Irradiation Principle For Optimal Strength Gains?

  1. When you’re performing your lifts are you properly firing the muscles involved so you obtain optimal gains?
  2. Are you lifting and performing movements to train your body to be stronger and more resistant to injury?
  3. When performing a movement are you establishing complete control over that movement for optimal function? 

I always I like to try to leave an impression on new trainees when it comes to teaching them strength. One thing that I’ve found that surprises people and raises a few eyebrows is when I talk about the irradiation principle.

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Progressing Mobility: A Half Get Up To Optimal Performance

Progressing Mobility: A Half Get Up To Optimal Performance

The original publishing date of today’s article was back on March 31, 2016. I pulled this one from the archive because I wanted to make sure to cover today’s topic of helping you to learn a method to progress and improve your mobility in the most practical way possible.

You might be familiar with the Turkish Get Up. However today I want to cover another unique movement to help you give your mobility a significant upgrade. Make sure you read today’s article and apply this method to your own training!

The key to mastering mobility is being intelligent about how you take a trainee from one step to the next in the most sensible and idiot proof way possible. Today is going to be an example of how you can go about doing just that. Today I’m going to do this with a great strength drill that I like to introduce to my trainees in the iron game on a fairly regular basis. If you’re looking to optimize your mobility and open up your kinetic chain for greater strength and agility then you’re going to like today’s article.

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Are You Applying The SAID Principle To Meet Your Training Needs?

Are You Applying The SAID Principle To Meet Your Training Needs?

  1. Have you structured your training so that you will achieve a specific goal? 
  2. Is your physical training set up to help you improve on a specific skill, or task? 
  3. Are you blindly moving along with your workouts without any defined purpose? 

Old habits die hard. I’ve often seen the confusion in people’s eyes and heard the frustration regarding them lacking in getting training results.

The frustration is real and they believe there is no answer to them getting any real results from their training. The thing is that many people convince themselves of this because they stay closed off and haven’t even exposed themselves to other ideas and other methods.

So it’s no wonder they feel frustrated. This happens at every level from beginner to competing athlete. One reason for this is that often times people fail to apply the SAID principle to their own circumstances when pursuing their physical goals.

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Just How Powerful Is Sprinting For Your Fitness Program?

Just How Powerful Is Sprinting For Your Fitness Program?

  1. Are you looking to either incorporate sprinting into your training for the first time in a while, or are you considering including more sprint work in general? 
  2. Are you unsure of how to approach a smart sprint program for yourself? 
  3. Do you feel you need to be looking for a different way to train your body for some big results? 
  4. Are you interested in building a more lean and stronger athletic physique?
  5. Are you looking to enhance your ability to function and recover faster in the weight room? 

Trust me sprinting is one simple, cheap, and effective way to optimize your body’s fitness unlike any other form of conditioning. In fact, if you look at the 7 foundational movements consisting of the push, pull, squat, lunge, twist, bend, and gait…your gait is one of those movements and sprinting is essential for optimizing your gait. This will make you more optimally functional from head to toe.

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