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Push-up Speed: Should Your Push-ups Be Done Slow Or Fast

Push-up Speed: Should Your Push-ups Be Done Slow Or Fast

  1. Are you incorporating push-ups into your training on a regular basis?
  2. Are you looking to get some serious results from your push-up routine? 
  3. Are you aware that by changing your push-up speed you can achieve different results? 

Training and altering your push-up speed is a way you can get different results from your strength and conditioning program. The push-up exercise is powerful, but how should it be performed in terms of the speed of its execution?

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Execution Of The Agility Ladder

Execution Of The Agility Ladder

I pulled this article from the archives because the agility ladder can be a powerful tool for you to utilize in your functional fitness, or strength and conditioning program. When it comes to athletic development you must be capable of sprinting with efficient technique and building on your reaction time. 

The agility ladder can be a powerful tool to train your body for these characteristics. This article outlines a few ways you can go about improving your athleticism and fitness. I think you’ll enjoy it. 

I’m a big a believer in sprinting and sprint variation when it comes to conditioning and training the body for performance. In my experience the key to any successful strength and conditioning program involves moving with intention and purpose. As far as fine tuning the gait movement and working towards building on the skills of coordination and reaction time the agility ladder can be a valuable tool for us to employ to achieve this end.

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Can Bench Pressing Be Used To Increase Punching Power

Can Bench Pressing Be Used To Increase Punching Power

  1. Are you currently looking to dial in your strength and conditioning program to improve your fight skills?
  2. Are you interested in learning how to increase your punching power for MMA and boxing?
  3. Do you currently incorporate the bench press into your training to improve your fight skills? 
  4. Are you curious about whether the bench press can be used to improve your punching power? 

First of all, bench pressing does increase upper body strength. However, can you improve punching speed and power? Some options are open to examine since this question is a bit more open ended. I will shed some light on that here!

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4 Ways To Improve Your Grip Strength For Big Lifts

4 Ways To Improve Your Grip Strength For Big Lifts

  1. Are you training your grip to improve your lifts? 
  2. Are you aware that a stronger grip will improve your shoulder stability? 
  3. Are you aware that there are a few grip variations that you might be neglecting? 

If you’re serious about strength, performance, and not having to screw around with injury then you need to invest time in giving your grip strength an upgrade. There are several methods you can employ to improve your grip strength and I am going to cover 4 of them here. Buckle that chinstrap and get ready!

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3 Ways To Develop Functional Speed For Optimal Athleticism

3 Ways to Develop Functional Speed For Optimal Athleticism

Today I wanted to pull this killer article on functional speed direct from my archives for you. I published this article all the way back on July 8th, 2009! It’s hard to believe this one is 9 years old, but I promise the information is still valid.

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you’re looking to develop a high level of fitness, or looking to compete in a sport you’re going to find this article very useful. Give it a read and apply this to your training and drop me some feedback on your progress in the comment section below the article here.

  1. Are you an athlete looking to develop functional speed for your sport or competitive event? 
  2. Are you interested in learning a new way to condition your body for your HIIT workouts? 
  3. Are you looking to build speed while also learning how to build an athletic body? 
  4. Are you interested in enhancing your reaction time and coordination?  

Are you looking to build functional speed? Functional speed in the context of this article is a fancy way of saying running fast with precision and confidence. We all have wanted to be fast a one time or another and that mindset has certainly not changed in today’s competing athletes. I have spent my entire career working with athletes at all levels of competition to enhance their athleticism and functional speed development. The two main things that most all of these athletes have in common is that they want to be strong and they want to be fast!

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