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3 Ways To Construct An Athletic Functional Body For Optimal Fitness

3 Ways To Construct An Athletic Functional Body For Optimal Fitness

So today I wanted to revisit this older topic today by pulling it straight from the archives. The original publishing date for this piece was all the way back in July 8th, 2009!!! Yes, this one is old school, but the information is certainly useful. I thought you would find this list helpful in your journey if you’re looking to build an athletically functional body.

  1. Are you interested in learning how to develop an athletic functional body? 
  2. Are you training your body in a way to be optimally functional for any sport or life situation? 
  3. Are you curious as to how you can improve your training to help you move with greater control and confidence? 
  4. Are you training your body to be able to last over the long haul? 

The pursuit of an athletic functional body is a solid plan. I had a friend the other day that was just starting back into working out and he was asking me “what is the best thing for me to do to get back into shape?” I proceeded to tell him that he needs to start training like an athlete again. Why, he asked? I followed up by asking him at what point in his life was he in the greatest shape to which he replied “when I was doing preseason workouts for football in college.” I rest my case. 

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8 Ways You’re Killing Your Strength Gains

8 Ways You’re Killing Your Strength Gains

  1. Are you failing to get the strength gains you want with your workouts? 
  2. Do you feel like you’ve hit a plateau in your strength training? 
  3. Is your strength training program getting you the gains you desire the most? 
  4. Are you training 5 or 6 days a week, but still not seeing the results you think you should be seeing? 

If you’re experiencing problems in making strength gains with your training then you need to evaluate what you’re doing, as well as what you might not be doing. I get it. I’ve been where you are before, but I don’t struggle with making strength gains anymore. Don’t misunderstand me I put the work in, but what I mean is that the work I put in is effective and it gets the job done now, but that’s only because of years of experience and study. With that being said I wanted to outline some things here that are probably holding you back from you being able to make your strength gains.

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Bend The Bar For Your Deadlift

Bend The Bar For Your Deadlift

  1. Are you looking to improve your deadlift technique?
  2. Are you unclear on what effective lifting technique is concerning the deadlift?
  3. Do you want to drastically improve your deadlift right now?

Improving your deadlift technique is no doubt one of the biggest go-tos for lifting when trying to develop strength. If you’re trying to optimize your efforts in building total body strength you go to the deadlift. If you’re wanting to build a back that won’t break you go to the deadlift, If you want to build a level of human function that will keep you in the game for the long haul then you go to the deadlift. However, there are some technical aspects of the deadlift that you may be missing. The deadlift does require some technical know how. Are you doing what you’re supposed to be doing with the deadlift? \

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The Sith Workout For MMA Strength And Conditioning

The Sith Workout For MMA Strength And Conditioning

For today’s post I wanted to hand pick an article directly from the the archives. Today’s article is on The Sith Workout and I thought this would be a good pick since I wrote this article about three years ago!

I believe you will find it interesting as it’s just a workout, but it includes the skeleton of some of my programming that involves a complete combination of athletic performance conditioning and strength movements. To learn more about these movements continue reading and take advantage of joining my email list, or getting on my 90 day program here at the end! Enjoy…

Sometimes you just have to put your finger on the valve and let the pressure off. One way to do this effectively and in a positive manner is by taking your frustrations out on the iron in the gym. Here I’ve included a day’s training to incorporate a dual balance of both strength movements and athletic conditioning movements to enhance your performance and fitness for MMA, sport, and life! Make time for the Sith Workout to include into your day’s training.

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Top 10 Workout Mistakes When Trying To Build Muscle

Top 10 Workout Mistakes When Trying To Build Muscle

So lately I’ve been getting some questions from some novice trainees about avoiding mistakes at the gym when training to gain strength and muscle. With that being said I decided to make a list for you here. This is a real quick list of some common mistakes I’ve seen in some novice lifters and athletes when they start out training on their own.

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