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5 Must Have Strength And Conditioning Movements For Optimal Function

5 Must Have Strength And Conditioning Movements For Optimal Function

  1. Is your strength and conditioning program stagnant? 
  2. Are you covering all of your bases in terms of the essential strength and conditioning movements? 
  3. Are you making gains in your program, or has your athleticism and strength stalled out like a single engine airplane that just lost its engine? 
  4. Are you looking to supercharge your athleticism, fitness, and performance? 

If you are serious about making physical gains regardless of your sport, life, or career goals then you need to make sure you’re including the following 5 strength and conditioning movements into your training. The following moves are tried and true and if you expect to make serious gains in strength then you need to perform them with a high level of proficiency.

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3 Ways To Make Your Plank Exercise Effective To Avoid Bleeding Strength

3 Ways To Make Your Plank Exercise Effective To Avoid Bleeding Strength

  1. Do you perform the plank exercise on a regular basis? 
  2. So when performing the plank exercise do you focus on the length of time to gauge intensity? 
  3. Is your plank variation causing you to bleed power during the movement? 

If you regularly include the plank exercise into your training then today I want to offer a different perspective on how you can shift your focus when utilizing this movement for strength. So one common issue with many people when performing certain strength movements is the inability to stabilize the core during certain points of physical exertion. If you’re unable to properly activate your core center then you’re going to bleed power. Thus your strength will suffer as you go to exert yourself for various movements and activities. This is why the plank exercise can be of great value. So today I want to point to three ways you can use the plank to make sure you don’t bleed strength.

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4 Killer Medicine Ball Drills For MMA Fight Strength

4 Killer Medicine Ball Drills For MMA Fight Strength

  1. Are you currently looking for some unique strength drills to enhance your MMA fight strength? 
  2. Do you currently incorporate a strength and conditioning program for your MMA fight performance? 
  3. Are you currently training with medicine balls for your fight strength and performance? 
  4. So are you looking to build power, speed, and reaction time for your MMA fight strength? 

One of the most overlooked hidden treasures in many gyms these days are medicine balls. Medicine ball training is one of the most overlooked training implements when it comes to building power and athleticism. This is because most people don’t really know how to leverage this awesome training device. So when it comes to fight strength and performance I’m here to tell you that this can serve you well.

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3 Unorthodox Core Stabilizing Exercises For Strength

3 Unorthodox Core Stabilizing Exercises For Strength

  1. Are you interested in developing some significant core strength?
  2. Are you interested in learning about unique core stabilizing exercises to protect your spine and enhance your physical performance?
  3. Are you interested in learning exercises that reinforce your ability to activate your core for optimal strength?

Core stabilizing exercises are crucial for keeping your body sharp and able to perform. A common misconception concerning the muscles of your “core,” or “trunk” is that they predominantly consist of your rectus abdominis muscle. This is not accurate. In fact, your core, or trunk consists of a variety of muscles in addition to your abs such as your transversus abdominis, internal obliques, external obliques, erector spinae, and diaphragm.

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Work On Moving Fast With Ballistic Strength Most Everyday

Work On Moving Fast With Ballistic Strength Most Everyday

  1. So do you make it a point to do something fast in your training on a regular basis? 
  2. Are you noticing that your body has slowed down in some ways? 
  3. Are you regularly including drills in your training to help you to build speed and power? 

After the age of 65 it’s been shown that lower limb power (due to a lack of ballistic strength) has been reported to decline about 3% per year along with a decrease in strength overall strength. The point here is that power development isn’t just for high level athletes in competitive sports, but it’s practical and fitting for everyone. To stave off the diminishing of muscular power you’ve got to work at maintaining it. Power training is an absolute must for long term functional strength.

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