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4 Steps To Crushing Your Strength Training Plateaus

4 Steps To Crushing Your Strength Training Plateaus

  1. Are you currently at a sticking point with your strength gains? 
  2. Are you interested in learning how you can blast through your strength plateaus? 
  3. Are you interested in learning about how to train your body to respond with every aspect of your training? 
  4. Are you interested in building more lean muscle, speeding up your recovery, and improving multiple areas of your performance? 

If you’re experiencing sticking points and strength training plateaus in your workouts then you shouldn’t be. The truth is that you should be making progress weekly. Sure there will be days that are more productive than others, but overall you shouldn’t be struggling with plateaus in your training whether that involves lean muscle or performance under the bar. At the end of the day you can apply a training strategy to force your body to adapt and to produce week after week.

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5 Optimal Workout Recovery Tips After Training

5 Optimal Workout Recovery Tips After Training

  1. Are you interested in learning about how you can speed up your recovery time?
  2. Are you in need of some tips to help you bounce back faster after a tough day’s training?
  3. Do you currently have an effective post workout recovery strategy to get you ready for the next day’s training?

Your results come depending on what you do after your training for workout recovery. If you are not doing the right things then you’re not opitmizing your fitness and strength program to yield optimal results. Optimal recovery will yield optimal results. Today I will offer some tips for you to get you on track with doing the right things to kick your training into high gear.

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5 Ways To Build Strength Beyond The Weight Room

5 Ways To Build Strength Beyond The Weight Room

  1. Is your mental game in check?
  2. Do you struggle with being persistent when life gets challenging?
  3. Do you get overwhelmed with tasks?
  4. Is your strength training suffering because of your mental struggle?
  5. Does your life feel like a constant battle that brings down your attitude?

If you’re looking to get results in any significant life endeavor you’ve got to have the correct mindset first and this occurs both inside and beyond the weight room. Your mental attitude will direct the outcomes of both your successes and failures. If you are serious about getting some real world results in your fitness, your business, your relationships, and life in general then you’ve got to be willing to do what it takes in order to make it happen.

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4 Ways To Keep Crushing Strength Gains Beyond Your 30’s

4 Ways To Keep Crushing Strength Gains Beyond Your 30’s

  1. Are you continuing to win your war on strength beyond your 30’s? 
  2. Are you currently trying to lift and train the same now as you did in your 20’s? 
  3. Are you battling with ailments and injury more often? 
  4. Are you still trying to blast out record PR’s every 6 to 8 weeks in your 30’s? 

If you’re looking to keep crushing your strength gains for the long haul then you’ve got to change up your strength and conditioning approach as you ease into your 30’s, 40’s, and beyond. Sure you can still blast some new PR’s and blow up the heavy weight, but I would strongly recommend going about doing it intelligently and with an eye for experience.

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4 MMA Workout Strategies For Optimal Strength And Conditioning

4 MMA Workout Strategies For Optimal Strength And Conditioning

  1. Are you looking to improve your MMA and martial arts athleticism and strength? 
  2. Are you ready to enhance your MMA fight skills for grappling and striking? 
  3. Are you ready to make your body more bulletproof from injury? 
  4. Are you interested in building some real world strength for serious fitness and fight performance? 

I have been fortunate in my lifetime to train in the martial art of Muay Thai under one of the best fighters…my friend and Kru Jeff Perry. Jeff is retired from Muay Thai now, but is still very much a human weapon. I also had the honor of programming Jeff’s MMA workouts for his national title fight to defend his U.S. title belt back in 2003.

Since then both Jeff and myself have helped to train several Thai and MMA fighters for competition over the years. I genuinely love helping fighters get an advantage putting them through my system and today I want to share with you a few MMA workout strategies to help you elevate your fight game and supercharge your performance in the ring!

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