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4 Ballistic Kettlebell Workouts For Building Insane Work Capacity

4 Ballistic Kettlebell Workouts For Building Insane Work Capacity

  1. Are you interested in building a great deal more cardiovascular work capacity while speeding up your fitness gains? 
  2. Are you looking to give your fitness, recovery, and functional strength a serious upgrade? 
  3. Have you been in search of a few simple, but effective workouts that you can apply to transform your body and mind? 
  4. Are you interested in learning more about how you integrate kettlebells into your strength and conditioning workouts? 

If you’re serious about your fitness and being time efficient with your strength and conditioning then this article is going to be right up your alley. So it’s no secret that kettlebell workouts can be leveraged for some ballistic movements. As a result, kettlebell workouts can demand a lot of strength and a great deal of work output when training them efficiently. So today I want to introduce 4 ballistic workouts you can use with a single kettlebell to give your fitness and cardiovascular work capacity a serious upgrade. These workouts are designed to allow you to build on your work capacity so you’ll have more in the tank when you need to get in the day’s work!

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What You Should Look For In A Strength Coach Before You Hire

What You Should Look For In A Strength Coach Before You Hire

  1. Are you looking at stepping up your fitness and performance and considering hiring an independent strength coach or trainer?
  2. Are you having a difficult time on how to make a decision for who to hire?
  3. Do you know what characteristics to look for in a coach or trainer so that you feel comfortable about your investment?

If you’re interested in hiring an independent strength coach, or fitness trainer then you need to consider a few things. Sure you would be expected to do your homework with any other hire, but let’s face it hiring your own independent strength and conditioning coach, or fitness trainer is a unique hire for a number of different reasons. I’ll work to try to help you with that process here in today’s article.

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5 Barbell Bench Press Alternatives And Variations For Chest And Shoulders

5 Barbell Bench Press Alternatives And Variations For Chest And Shoulders

  1. Do you currently utilize the barbell bench press to pack on chest muscle? 
  2. Do you currently experience shoulder pain or discomfort from bench pressing? 
  3. Are you hitting plateaus on your bench press failing to make further strength gains? 
  4. Are you interested in other innovative bench press variations, or alternatives for massive chest gains and strength? 

If you’re currently rolling in on Monday’s to hit what the rest of the health club world refers to as National Chest day then today I want to present you with some slightly different exercises. You can incorporate these on your chest days. Consequently these will also help you to make strength and muscle gains while cutting down on shoulder pain. Give these bench press alternatives a try and give me your feedback!

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5 Short Burst Time Efficient HIIT Workouts

5 Short Burst Time Efficient HIIT Workouts

  1. Are you looking for an effective conditioning workout to elevate your fitness that requires minimal equipment?
  2. Do you have an interest in learning about an effective workout to help elevate your fitness and burn a maximum number of calories? 
  3. Are you interested in a conditioning workout that you can use to supplement your current strength program? 
  4. Are you looking to get a leaner more athletic physique? 

If you aren’t familiar with the term HIIT it essentially stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is pronounced “hit.” This form of interval based training essentially means that your goal should be to perform a short burst interval of an exercise as fast as you can and with as much effort as possible.

Because of this these time efficient HIIT workouts can vary. So you can scale the level of intensity and volume as you can with anything else in order to suit your current level of fitness and ability. Remember that I always expect you to push, but not at the expense of quality movement and control.

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3 Unique Bodyweight Strength Drills For Optimal Function

3 Unique Bodyweight Strength Drills For Optimal Function

  1. Do you currently leverage bodyweight strength training to get the most out of your workouts? 
  2. Are you interested in learning some unique bodyweight strength drills to enhance your shoulder strength and mobility? 
  3. Are you looking for some unique bodyweight strength drills to challenge your body in a different way? 
  4. Are you interested in some bodyweight strength drills that will prime your body for movement and keep you resistant to injury? 

Bodyweight strength is a great way for you to train for a number of reasons. If you’re low on equipment, time, or simply need to challenge your coordination and strength then bodyweight strength can be leveraged to help you to do just that. Today I want to introduce three bodyweight strength drills to enhance your shoulder mobility and stability while challenging you to move in ways you might not be used to experiencing.

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