Physical Prowess – 2 Great Muscle Building Exercises For You to Build a Powerful Body!
In order to make your workout routine a physical success you must incorporate kettlebell training into your program. I have included 2 extraordinary exercises to take your muscle and fitness workouts to a whole new level. Read and apply the following 2 drills and you will achieve physical prowess in no time.
1. Dual Kettlebell Squat And Press (Jerk): In order to yield a successful muscle building workout routine you must integrate whole body movements into your strength and conditioning routine. There is none better than the dual kettlebell squat and press. This lift incorporates a lot of movement is huge in helping your body to change for the better. To execute this lift you will need the availability of 2 moderately heavy kettlebells.
Place them on the ground between your feet. From here perform the proper kettlebell clean lift to rack the bells at your chest. Next, you will want to perform a kettlebell front squat. Holding the bells at the rack position lower your body until your elbows touch the insides of your knees at the descent of the squat. As you ascend and lock out your squat at the top of the movement simply press and lock out the kettlebells overhead. You will quickly see just how challenging this lift can be after just a single repetition!
2. Dual Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlifts: With this kettlebell lift you are certainly improving your muscle building workout routine. Once again to execute this lift you will need 2 bells of equal weight. Place the bells on the ground beside your ankles with you standing with your feet at shoulder width distance. Next, simply perform a proper squat and reach down beside your body and pick up the kettlebells on each side.
As you grab the bells simply stand up keeping the kettlebells at your side and maintaining good balance and stability. This is one weight training exercise that will pack on the muscle in a hurry. If you haven’t taken the time to include kettlebells into your personal muscle building workout then you don’t have a REAL muscle building workout. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend! Give it a try.
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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