Questions And Answers On My “Better Than Steroids” Ebook!
So I’ve been steadily getting more and more questions about my “Better Than Steroids” Ebook? The fact is that the content is straight forward and very effective. I wrote down some common questions that I have gotten from a few people and my general responses to them. Take a minute to go over them for yourself and if you want a nice training resource to help you to get into shape for the summer then get your own copy. I have also “pulled back the curtain” to give you a small glimpse of how some of the information from the ebook is applied to my own client base by embedding the promotional video below!
Q: Is the BTS ebook good for women?
A: Absolutely. I wrote the ebook to be a truly informative resource on how you can build a very lean fit body that is good for helping you to achieve any goal. No matter your gender, age, race, or fitness level the principles in this ebook can be applied to your own personal training program. The idea is for me to help you to understand the essence behind training and to help you to do it by utilizing the ancient kettlebell, your own body weight, and other tactics that you can apply on your own.
Q: Does BTS ebook include specific workouts?
A: I wouldn’t say that BTS includes whole specific workouts, but I do include samples of certain drills and exercises that help you to understand the essence of training so that you can apply the methods on your own.
Q: How Do I know if BTS is an ebook with a lot of content?
A: Well, the biggest thing about this ebook is that I give you the word count. This particular document is a 20,000 plus word document. The reason I give you the word count is because this is a more accurate measure of how much content is actually in it. A lot of ebooks are out there that give you a page count. Just be aware that a page count can be manipulated to make the document look larger than it actually is by manipulating the font, spacing, and images.
Q: What is the biggest lesson in BTS ebook?
A: I am quick to show you how most people are severely misguided in their approach to getting in shape and what they perceive fitness is all about. I consider myself a straight shooter and this ebook will definitely show you that. In short, you’ll learn that there are a lot more ways of getting in rock hard shape rather than doing bench press and arm curls. I pride my reputation on providing you with training information that works! You will get it straight forward with this ebook!
Q: Do I get anything else for purchasing your BTS ebook?
A: Absolutely. With your purchase of BTS you will automatically become one of my Elite members and start receiving more consistent free training information and my kettlebell and fitness newsletter via email. As a customer of BTS I will also send out weekly “specific” training programs that I engage in either myself or with clients that week. The beauty of this is that you may get one workout that I dish out to a softball player and the next week you may see a workout I put on an endurance athlete. The vast differences of clients and goals are different, but the training philosophy still applies to all! You will learn what you are looking to learn.
To order your own copy either click on the link below or to the Better Than Steroids ebook cover on the right tool bar!