Real Walking Fitness – 2 Techniques to Turn Your Walking Program Into a Real Workout!
I am always big on intensity, but if you are involved in a serious walking program you can implement certain techniques to change the overall effectiveness of your workout. The beauty of a walking program is that you can walk anywhere. Your walking can be done around the block, on a treadmill, in the yard, or at a local park. I just want to make a couple of suggestions as to how you can intensify what you are doing to get the most out of it.
1. Carry Buckets Of Water: Oh boy, this is simply good old yard work turned fitness! Get a couple of buckets of water and fill them up to the desired level and weight of your choice. Start at one end of your yard and make sure you are on level ground. Walk across the yard with a bucket in each hand. Try to focus on not spilling any of the water because this stability and focus will add up to bigger results in your workout. When you get as far as you want to go set down the buckets and without breaking stride continue on your walk. As you get better walk a specified distance with the water and without it. Alternate this pattern back and forth as you build up your endurance.
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