Strength For Tennis – Elite Strength and Conditioning Training For Tennis in One Exercise!
In order to elevate your tennis game you have got to include kettlebell training into the equation. The fact is that tennis is very demanding on the joints of the body. You must have a resilient body in order to withstand the rigors of the tennis season. The single arm kettlebell long cycle is a terrific shoulder, core, and hip strength training exercise that you can perform in order to build a fit and powerful body to out perform the competition.
Strength training your muscles to perform at the highest level must include the addition of movement combined with a resistance. This is what kettlebell training is all about. The single arm long cycle involves executing a single arm kettlebell swing and properly racking it at the clean position. Once you clean the kettlebell you then must execute a hip pop or hip snap in order to generate force to vertically press and lock out the kettlebell overhead.
The hip snap is done by you forcefully and smoothly flexing and then extending at your hip and knee joints to propel the kettlebell in a straight line press above your head. Once you complete the press (or jerk) you then lower the kettlebell back to the rack position of the clean. From here allow the bell to descend into a swing by “hiking it” between your legs like you would with a normal single arm swing motion. As the bell elevates back up from between your legs you then will want to simply clean the bell back to your chest to perform another press (or jerk) to complete the lift.
Take the time to include the ancient kettlebell into your tennis strength training workouts if you really want to succeed in your game. I will even challenge you by asking you to access the rest of my articles on the matter for free. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart my friend!
To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My “Better Than Steroids Ebook” by clicking here:http://www.betterthansteroidsebook.com
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