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Strength Training News…

Strength Training News…

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I just wanted to take some time to share some strength training news with you about some projects that I have coming up and with what some of my students have accomplished as of late. If you are interested in some news with a more positive spin then take a second to click on to continue reading!

Strength Training News…

For the past several weeks I’ve been working with several of my MMA students to help them to get ready for their various competing tournaments and competitions. I had one of my jiu jitsu specialist (Mark) to compete in the North American Grappling Association (NAGA) tournament a little over a month ago. During the tournament I believe he grappled a total of 8 matches in one day! Yes, I said 8 in ONE day! Man I”m sore just thinking about that.

During the weeks leading up to the tournament I had Mark’s work capacity built up to the point that I believe he could’ve wrestled and submitted a silverback gorilla. By the end of that tournament he had won 7 matches and lost only one! He walked away with a gold and a bronze medal. Move over Michael Phelps. 🙂

Authentic RKC Kettlebells

In addition to this another student of mine, Truman, was working hard and persistently to compete in his very first Muay Thai tournament. Truman improved drastically over the weeks leading up to this tournament that took place. I pushed him pretty hard, but he kept coming back for more strength training abuse and went up to South Carolina this weekend to win his very first Muay Thai fight ever! Great job T-Mobile! That’s my nickname for Truman. 🙂

One of my women students (Karis) has taken her strength training gains to a whole new level! She can swing a 106 lb. kettlebell with tight form and hit a new PR on her deadlift this week at 205 lbs. I know women are funny about others knowing their weight, but she is only about 135 lbs. of lean hard muscle. Trust me, there is NO body fat on her frame! Karis, forgive me if I’m off on the weight, but the point is that you look great so don’t hit me too hard the next time you see me if I’m wrong on that!:-)

I’m still working with my good friend Jeff on getting him ready for his World’s Toughest Mudder competition. I have spoken extensively before about this particular feat. His work ethic and commitment to getting better is unparalleled. Jeff thanks for making my job much easier!

468 x 60 New Year

Another interesting mention is that one of my former students Franco Castan has his own little project coming up this Monday on September 3rd. Interestingly enough Franco happens to be a pretty talented actor and will be starring in the new big TV movie event Coma which will air on A & E. I had a chance to work with Franco for several months last year and he has taken pretty well to implementing my bodyweight and kettlebell strength training program for getting his body in check for the camera. Check out the preview for some entertaining creepiness!

Yep, I’d say that looks pretty interesting. Congratulations Franco now I’m never going to be able to have any surgical procedure for the rest of my life for fear of someone sending my kidneys to Cambodia. Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to seeing you in action on the TV screen on Monday my friend.

I wanted to keep today’s blogisode short and sweet so that I could brag on some of my students. I like doing that sometimes. I figure they’ve earned it especially since their payment in sweat had pretty much doubled this summer with the tremendously awful heat waves we’ve had here in Georgia during our strength training torture sessions.

If you would like to learn more about what all I do with these guys and girls to elevate their strength training performance then you need to tune in and get your own copy of my Better Than Steroids ebook!


In addition to this make sure that you come and LIKE me on Facebook to get all my latest strength training updates so that you can build a body of iron and learn how to more easily beat up on your competition if you happen to be a competing athlete. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend.






I'm a Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and author. I have had over 17 years experience in MMA fitness, strength and conditoning, and athletic performance for most every sport. As an author and specialist I've written close to a million words on fitness and strength. I'm also a Muay Thai practictioner and enjoy helping others to reach their peak potential through fitness and performance.

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