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3 Ways To Construct An Athletic Functional Body For Optimal Fitness

3 Ways To Construct An Athletic Functional Body For Optimal Fitness

So today I wanted to revisit this older topic today by pulling it straight from the archives. The original publishing date for this piece was all the way back in July 8th, 2009!!! Yes, this one is old school, but the information is certainly useful. I thought you would find this list helpful in your journey if you’re looking to build an athletically functional body.

  1. Are you interested in learning how to develop an athletic functional body? 
  2. Are you training your body in a way to be optimally functional for any sport or life situation? 
  3. Are you curious as to how you can improve your training to help you move with greater control and confidence? 
  4. Are you training your body to be able to last over the long haul? 

The pursuit of an athletic functional body is a solid plan. I had a friend the other day that was just starting back into working out and he was asking me “what is the best thing for me to do to get back into shape?” I proceeded to tell him that he needs to start training like an athlete again. Why, he asked? I followed up by asking him at what point in his life was he in the greatest shape to which he replied “when I was doing preseason workouts for football in college.” I rest my case. 

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3 Ways To Construct An Athletic Functional Body For Optimal Fitness

3 Ways To Construct An Athletic Functional Body For Optimal Fitness

  1. Are you interested in learning how to develop an athletic functional body? 
  2. Are you training your body in a way to be optimally functional for any sport or life situation? 
  3. Are you curious as to how you can improve your training to help you move with greater control and confidence? 
  4. Are you training your body to be able to last over the long haul? 

The pursuit of an athletic functional body is a solid plan. I had a friend the other day that was just starting back into working out and he was asking me “what is the best thing for me to do to get back into shape?” I proceeded to tell him that he needs to start training like an athlete again. Why, he asked? I followed up by asking him at what point in his life was he in the greatest shape to which he replied “when I was doing preseason workouts for football in college.” I rest my case. 

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