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3 Top HIIT Workouts For MMA Fitness

3 Top HIIT Workouts For MMA Fitness

The original publishing date for this post was back on January 23, 2018. I wanted to pull this article out of the archives today because it still gets a lot of attention.

If you’re currently training in martial arts, or MMA then you need to have your fitness and athletic performance dialed in to perform on the mat, or in the ring. Today’s article is going to be a great resource for you to tap so that you can start to implement these HIIT workouts into your strength and conditioning program if you haven’t already.

  1. Do you feel that your fitness level and conditioning have hit a plateau?
  2. Do you feel like you’re not improving with your MMA and Combat skills as fast as you should?
  3. Aside from being functional for fitness, MMA, and Combat are you also frustrated that you aren’t leaning out and developing a lean body composition from your training?
  4. Are you familiar with HIIT workouts?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions then this article (particularly with question 4 relating to HIIT Workouts) then this should be of great help to you. So everybody is hung up on the high intensity programs these days and as a strength coach I’ve always had a love–hate relationship with this because I think some training fads tend to get blown out of proportion. I think this is because with the tremendous influx of information due to the internet it often seems like people tend to offer solutions to training by painting with a broad brush, or by defaulting to metaphorically trying to use a hammer for both nails and screws.

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Did You Make 2019 New Year’s Resolutions?

Did You Make 2019 New Year’s Resolutions?

  1. So did you sit down and make a list out of New Year’s Resolutions for 2019? 
  2. Did you sit down a year ago and do the same thing for 2018? 
  3. Are you serious about investing in your self-improvement? 
  4. Do you tend to fall off track when setting goals? 

So 2018 is history and you’ve set some New Year’s Resolutions for 2019. However 2018 has been full of challenges, setbacks, new opportunities, and boom here we are a year later in 2019.

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So What’s The Point Of Training Plyometrics?

So What’s The Point Of Training Plyometrics?

  1. How do you train with plyometrics in your own workouts? 
  2. Do you need to understand a safe and effective approach to training plyometrics in your own workouts? 
  3. What benefits do plyometric training offer for your training? 

First, I want to take a second to clear the air about training plyometrics. Lately I’ve seen plenty of keyboard warriors the internet being blowhards about how plyometrics are a waste of time and are senseless when it comes to incorporating them into your training.

No, such advice is absurd and is coming from someone that knows nothing about plyometrics. As a strength and conditioning coach that has trained hundreds and even thousands of athletes and serious fitness enthusiasts over a 17 year career I can tell you that plyometrics can be a huge asset to your fitness and overall training program if you understand how to apply them safely and effectively.

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4 Exercises To Help You To Build Strength For Pull-ups

4 Exercises To Help You To Build Strength For Pull-ups

  1. Are you looking to build strength for pull-ups? 
  2. Are you struggling to improve your pull-up numbers? 
  3. Do you feel weak and limited with your pull-ups? 
  4. Are you failing to progress your strength with the pull-up movement? 

You need to build strength for pull-ups. The chin up, or pull-up is probably one of the most challenging bodyweight exercises as it involves you having to pull your body from a dead hang position until your chin gets above the bar.

There’s no hiding from this movement. Sure plenty of folks try to cheat it with some sort of assist, but in order for you to pull your body up from a dead hanging position from the bar you need brute force strength…period.
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6 Guaranteed Steps To Building Lean Muscle

6 Guaranteed Steps To Building Lean Muscle

  1. Are you looking to bypass the BS and to truly build some lean muscle? 
  2. Are you trying to dial in your training to finally get some real life results that last? 
  3. Do you get sick and tired of training and not seeing any progress in your physical body? 
  4. Are you focused and ready to pursue your fitness, but just need some simple and effective guidance? 

These are common questions concerning the pursuit of results oriented fitness and building lean muscle, but I’ll go through the tried and true checklist here that I guarantee will help you to pack on some lean muscle mass. Trust me…this formula will bypass the BS!

I’m reassuring you that these methods have been field tested and proven and having been a strength coach now for over 17 years I’ve had plenty of evidence to show for it.

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