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5 Kettlebell Exercises For MMA Fitness

5 Kettlebell Exercises For MMA Fitness

So these days whenever you walk into a fight gym you always hear a new customer, or potential trainee ask “What disciplines do you train out of your school?” So naturally the owner or head trainer may reply “We offer boxing,” or “We offer Jiu Jitsu,” or “We offer Muay Thai.” Consequently kettlebell exercises and strength and conditioning are rarely the central focus.

These are all the general bread and butter answers. However today I want to talk about the discipline of Strength And Conditioning, or more specifically some strength and conditioning involving kettlebell exercises that are essential for your MMA, Combat, and Military fitness.

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Top 5 Plyometric Drills For MMA Fitness

Top 5 Plyometric Drills For MMA Fitness

1. Are you familiar with plyometric drills and what they do for your physical fitness and performance? 

2. Are you currently incorporating a safe and effective progression of plyometric drills into your MMA, Combat, and Fitness training? 

3. If you are incorporating plyometric drills into your MMA and Combat training are you properly initiating the Stretch Shortening Cycle (SSC)? 

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Top 5 Medicine Ball Drills For MMA Fitness

Top 5 Medicine Ball Drills For MMA Fitness

  1. Did you know you can develop tremendous explosive power and athleticism with medicine ball drills?
  2. Do you tend to get lost in terms of having a game plan when it comes to strength training with different implements (such as medicine ball drills) aside from free weights?
  3. Are you looking for a simple training implement to give your workouts a serious upgrade without the high cost of free weights?
  4. Are you looking to add more speed and power to your punches and kicks for MMA and Combat?
  5. Are you interested in learning how to move quicker and how to develop greater body control, hand eye coordination, and reaction time with medicine ball drills?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions then you’re going to find this article with these medicine ball drills incredibly valuable. In fact, I will guarantee you will completely transform the way you move and feel about your fitness and strength program after applying what’s here in this article to your current training game.

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3 Power Drills To Improve Your Kicks For MMA

3 Power Drills To Improve Your Kicks For MMA

One thing I’ve learned about martial arts over the years is that the repetitive act of kicking and punching will make you more supple and better able to handle moving the iron in the weight room. The same is true if we reverse that statement as well. Moving the iron well will also make your kicks and punches much much better along with including power drills into your training.

However, even though this is the case during my career I’ve also observed that many martial arts practictioners and competitive fighters will emphasize the practice of the specific skills of their fighting, but will often times neglect incorporating sound elements of strength and conditioning into their program in order to optimize their fight performance. Today I’m going to offer you 3 strength and speed drills to take your kicks to the next level.

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Jump Rope: The Most Underrated Conditioning Exercise

Jump Rope: The Most Underrated Conditioning Exercise

  1. Are you looking for an optimal way to condition your body that will bring you serious results? 
  2. Are you tired of boring yourself to death with treadmills and ellipticals? 
  3. Are you interested in improving your coordination, reaction time, and cardiovascular fitness?
  4. Are you looking for a new challenge?

As a strength and conditioning coach I notice the emphasis that many of my colleagues in the fitness biz like putting on strength and I enjoy doing much the same, however I’m also a big proponent in emphasizing the significance of conditioning as well…or more specifically what I refer to as athletic conditioning. Today’s post is about examining how the jump rope is way underrated in many strength and conditioning programs and why you should be utilizing this tool for your own conditioning time. What do you think?

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