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50 Things Strength Can Repair…

50 Things Strength Can Repair…

by: Brandon Richey–Get Free Updates And Training Guides Here

50 Things Strength Can Repair…

The Free Online SEO Tools We Use by Tace Thompson

Just a reminder that when all else fails you can more than likely fix the problem with strength! That’s right, a lack of strength in your life can only create more problems. Strength combats everything. Here’s what all you can repair with some smart strength training tactics along with the development of the type of strength that goes beyond muscles!

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Plyometrics And Strength For MMA And Fitness

Plyometrics And Strength For MMA And Fitness

Early on in my athletic career when I competed in football and baseball…and later when I took up practicing Muay Thai there was one element of training that I noticed was a huge game changer for me and it gave me the confidence to realize that when I stuck to it I transformed the way I looked, the way I moved, and the way I performed. The combined element of plyometrics and strength is something I’ve used for both myself and to help hundreds of athletes including MMA fighters, Muay Thai, D-1 football, and tons of other people serious about fitness for over 17 years.

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The 5×5 Method…

The 5×5 Method…

I just have to shake my head at the new enthusiastic crop of strength coaches that come out of school full of excitement and ready to start athletes on a perfectly modeled and text book regulated periodization plan. Hell, like them I understood why they came out of school like this because it’s exactly what they were taught.

Don’t get me wrong a properly applied periodization plan is an effective plan for building a strong athletic body ready for most any physical task. However as we all know real life just flat out can get in the way of stuff which is why we’ve got to be more nimble in our approach if we expect to be effective strength coaches.

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300 Rep Kettlebell Workout For Optimal Physical Function

300 Rep Kettlebell Workout For Optimal Physical Function

  1. Are you interested in adding serious kettlebell training to  your strength and conditioning workouts? 
  2. Are you interested in building lean muscle, powerful physical function, and tremendous cardio conditioning? 
  3. Do you look to completely transform the way you train your body? 
  4. Are you looking to physically prepare for a sporting event, a physical test, or a physically demanding job? 

Today’s post is going to be challenging, yet straight to the point with the 300 Rep Kettlebell Workout. So what is involved with the 300 Rep Kettlebell Workout? How is this workout structured? 

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Knowing Your Energy Systems And Strength Training With A Purpose

Knowing Your Energy Systems And Strength Training With A Purpose

  1. Did you know that understanding your energy systems will completely shape the way you prepare and train for a sport, fitness goal, or life situation?
  1. Did you know that whether you’re training to prepare for an MMA fight, the upcoming football season, or for and endurance event like a long distance swim the energy systems that you harness can make, OR break your success?
  1. Did you know that by applying and programming for the correct energy system you will completely transform your fitness level?

So for today’s topic I’m going to discuss the importance of bioenergetics (energy systems) as it pertains to your biological processes and it’s application to your strength training program. Ok I know what you’re thinking. Coach what in the hell are you talking about? That’s a great question and I’m going to work hard to clear that up right here in this article.

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