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Sports Done Backwards…Youth Strength Training Fail???

Sports Done Backwards…Youth Strength Training Fail???

Singapore Sports School by chloe.Ry

The other day I started reading a little article about youth athletes and the number of travel teams, sports leagues, and other things that we have these days for exposing youngsters to the world of athletic competition. There is no doubt about the growth of these leagues in nearly every sport and it seems that the population continues to grow more and more every season.

As a strength coach I’ve been fortunate to work with a great deal of pro level athletes, but I’ve also trained a great deal of youngsters as well over the years. Because of the training experience with the youngsters I want to talk about a possible problem with a great deal of America’s approach to sports, at least to a certain degree.

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Overtraining…More Doesn’t Mean Better!

Overtraining…More Doesn’t Mean Better!

Sleepy Female Lion, South Africa by JenvanW

So lately I’ve had some folks email me and come to me to tell me that they have had trouble sleeping at night and have been burned out on even thinking about training themselves as of late. I took the time to examine where they were coming from and tried to dive a little deeper into the reasons as to why they would be experiencing these not so normal physical symptoms. Well make sure to get your favorite Bond movie ready because it may be the actual solution to your training woes here in the short term my friend.

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The Walking Dead And Burpees?

The Walking Dead And Burpees?

MIPCOM 2010 - Andrew Lincoln, The Walking Dead by mipmarkets

So if you are fan of the mega hit TV show The Walking Dead then you know the most recent season just ended the week before last. It was good, but boy I’m going to miss some people. Yeah characters tend to die off in a TV show named The Walking Dead.  If you haven’t seen the finale then I don’t want to ruin the outcome for you just in case your Netflix hasn’t hit your mailbox yet, or if you haven’t gotten around to firing up that On Demand service. Either way The Walking Dead and burpees are the topic for the day. Ok, more burpees, but talking zombies is always a killer topic too. Pun intended. 😉

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MMA Strength And Conditioning That Would Even Get Chuck’s Approval…

MMA Strength And Conditioning That Would Even Get Chuck’s Approval…

Chuck Norris by shankarrana13


Yep, today I want to dive into a bit of strategy in terms of your approach to developing an Elite level MMA strength and conditioning program. I have found that MMA and other forms of fighting (martial arts) involve a more total commitment to conditioning the body for the rigors of battling on a physical level with another human being. I mean let’s face it, if it’s just you and the guy or girl in front of you in the ring, in the cage, or on the mat then you better be physically prepared to endure the task at hand. Nobody said it would be easy, especially if that guy in front of you is Chuck Norris. Ok, let’s not even go there. Chuck could kill you with nothing more than a stare.

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Like A Road Warrior…Some Supercharged Interval Training For Athletic Performance!

Like A Road Warrior…Some Supercharged Interval Training For Athletic Performance!


RoadWarrior by blondeheroine

As you know I’m a huge movie fan, especially if it involves a classic action hit! One classic movie series that I have always enjoyed was the Mad Max series. If I’m not mistaken the original series starring a young Mel Gibson began with Mad Max followed by the sequel Mad Max 2  aka. The Road Warrior, and then ended with the final piece of the trilogy Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.

These movies are just chocked full of AWESOME so if you haven’t had the fortunate opportunity to see these by now then make it a point to put it on your schedule of To Do’s. Now on to the topic at hand. This weekend I headed out to the track to blast out some strength lifts followed up by some intense sprint intervals! It was brutal. Oh and just in case you were wondering I am going to some how tie this into the Mad Max reference so just keep on reading for the details!

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