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Dynamic Warm Up: 1 Killer Beginning To Give You Explosive Performance!

Dynamic Warm Up: 1 Killer Beginning To Give You Explosive Performance!

The winning ingredient for your warm up is the same thing as your training. The key is MOVEMENT! Now this being said there are a lot of aspects to moving the body. You see it has been my experience that moving the body through various planes of motion is what trains us to be ready for most any physical feat.  However the problem with most strength and conditioning programs out there is that they neglect proper dynamic warm up in addition to neglecting getting the body used to moving in more than one direction. Continue reading if you are serious about kicking your training off in the right direction.

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3 Total Body Lifts For Extreme Strength!

3 Total Body Lifts For Extreme Strength!

During all of my years of training and experience with discovering how to build on strength I have learned many things. One of the many things that I have learned is that “strength” has many forms. Some guys are great lifting heavy weight, some do outstanding things with just their own body resistance, and some are very fast and agile. Because of the many characteristics that display varying types of strength I have included 3 different lifts that will help you to contribute to speed, power, size, and muscular endurance.  Keep on reading if I have your attention.
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A Muay Thai Strength Training Experience!


I remember when I first started back my Muay Thai training I went through a pain stage that lasted for 2 months before my body hardened for the task and I am a well conditioned individual!  Take a minute to continue reading this article to learn more about why strength training for Muay Thai is so crucial and to learn about what it takes to adapt your body for this amazing art form.  If you are experienced in the art of Muay Thai then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

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