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Quality Traits: The Professional Coach Vs. The Amateur Coach

Quality Traits: The Professional Coach vs. The Amateur Coach

Today I think it’s worth examining what quality traits to look for in various coaches and trainers. After all, in today’s fitness arena we’re bombarded with readily available information and resources at the click of a button and many people put a great deal of faith in these online coaches and training resources simply because of their notoriety. So with that being said what do we look for in a quality coach? Read on my young Jedi to explore this question a bit further.

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The CobraZol Sport Topical Pain Reliever Review & More

  1. Are you currently battling with joint and muscle pain? 
  2. Are you looking for a better alternative form of treatment that doesn’t require narcotics? 
  3. Have you looked for strong pain relief without negative side effects? 
  4. Are you tired of strong odor and slow to absorb topical pain relievers? 

I’ve been a huge proponent of the non-opioid topical pain reliever CobraZol Sport now for a couple of years. If you’ve been following this blog for a while then you know that I do occasionally write product reviews, but ONLY if the product is one that can fill a gap for me, or if the product happens to be in a position to meet a need that I have in either my own life, or with the lifestyles of those around me. 

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The Invisible Man: The Plight Of The Strength Coach

The Invisible Man: The Plight Of The Strength Coach

Over my 15 year career I’ve had a great deal of experience with recognizing the bread and butter of what makes an athlete, or trainee successful. The thing is that I’ve always explained to parents, trainees, and other sport specific coaches (the coaches of the specific sport being played) that my job is to not specifically make the individual a better baseball player, a better football player, or a better fighter. My job is to make that individual a better athlete…period! By doing this they will excel at their relative sport, or physical life demands.

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Why You Shouldn’t Perform Box Jumps As A Conditioning Drill

Why You Shouldn’t Perform Box Jumps As A Conditioning Drill

  1. Are you incorporating more athletic based drills into your strength and conditioning workouts? 
  2. Are you performing box jumps during some of your athletic workouts? 
  3. Do you execute box jumps like a conditioning drill? 
  4. Are you performing box jumps in a way to maximize benefit and minimize stress on your joints? 

So today I decided to get away from improper squatting, improper deadlifting, and improper kettlebell swing technique and switch over to another problem and address the improper use of the box jump exercise. Today I’m going to hit on why box jumps shouldn’t be used as a conditioning drill in your strength and conditioning program. If you’ve been using box jumps as a conditioning drill then make sure you take a minute to pump the brakes and read this article. You’ll be thanking me for it later.

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3 Powerful Push Up Variations For Building Lean Muscle Mass

3 Powerful Push Up Variations For Building Lean Muscle Mass

  1. Are you looking to learn about how to implement some push up variations to challenge you in a completely different way? 
  2. Are you looking to learn some push ups to enhance your physical function and help you to build some lean muscle? 
  3. Are you open to getting out of your comfort zone to challenge yourself with some unique push ups?

There a many push up variations for you to implement to build lean muscle and function. Push ups are one of the most powerful exercises you can have in your arsenal of strength movements. Let’s face it…push ups are cheap, convenient, challenging and when mastered the variations are almost endless. The push up takes a backseat to nobody. As far as looking for the most immediate answer to acquiring strength, lean muscle, and efficiency what better exercise is there for your go to than the tried and true push up?

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