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4 Unconventional Push-up Exercises To Supercharge Your Fitness

4 Unconventional Push-up Exercises To Supercharge Your Fitness

  1. Are you interested in giving your fitness and strength program a serious upgrade with some unconventional bodyweight exercises? 
  2. Are you looking for some truly unique push-up exercises to help you build strength and lean muscle? 
  3. Do you have an interest in leveraging some unique push-up drills for time efficient workouts? 

Contrary to what many folks may think you can always take your fitness to new heights with bodyweight exercises…particularly when it comes to unconventional push-up exercises. So due to the fact that you’re always up for a challenge and I know you are then I know you will find these very useful. You can take the time to thank me later. In fact, you can thank me now if you simply share this article with your family and friends. Read and apply!

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3 Powerful Push Up Variations For Building Lean Muscle Mass

3 Powerful Push Up Variations For Building Lean Muscle Mass

The original publishing date of today’s article was back on June 23, 2016.

One of the most powerful and impactful adjustments you can make when it comes to your fitness and physique is by incorporating variations of push-ups into your training cycles.

Such variations will challenge your muscular response and stress your body in different ways so that you can in turn adapt to that new stress. The result is a more lean muscle and a powerful method for continuing to make strength and muscle gains.

Enjoy the read and apply these to your own program.

  1. Are you looking to learn about how to implement some push-up variations to challenge you in a completely different way? 
  2. Do you want to learn some push-up variations to enhance your physical function and help you to build some lean muscle? 
  3. Are you open to getting out of your comfort zone to challenge yourself with some unique push-up variations?

There a many push up variations for you to implement to build lean muscle and function. Push ups are one of the most powerful exercises you can have in your arsenal of strength movements. Let’s face it…push ups are cheap, convenient, challenging and when mastered the variations are almost endless. The push up takes a backseat to nobody. As far as looking for the most immediate answer to acquiring strength, lean muscle, and efficiency what better exercise is there for your go to than the tried and true push up?

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3 Ways To Make Your Plank Exercise Effective To Avoid Bleeding Strength

3 Ways To Make Your Plank Exercise Effective To Avoid Bleeding Strength

  1. Do you perform the plank exercise on a regular basis? 
  2. So when performing the plank exercise do you focus on the length of time to gauge intensity? 
  3. Is your plank variation causing you to bleed power during the movement? 

If you regularly include the plank exercise into your training then today I want to offer a different perspective on how you can shift your focus when utilizing this movement for strength. So one common issue with many people when performing certain strength movements is the inability to stabilize the core during certain points of physical exertion. If you’re unable to properly activate your core center then you’re going to bleed power. Thus your strength will suffer as you go to exert yourself for various movements and activities. This is why the plank exercise can be of great value. So today I want to point to three ways you can use the plank to make sure you don’t bleed strength.

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4 Ways To Keep Crushing Strength Gains Beyond Your 30’s

4 Ways To Keep Crushing Strength Gains Beyond Your 30’s

  1. Are you continuing to win your war on strength beyond your 30’s? 
  2. Are you currently trying to lift and train the same now as you did in your 20’s? 
  3. Are you battling with ailments and injury more often? 
  4. Are you still trying to blast out record PR’s every 6 to 8 weeks in your 30’s? 

If you’re looking to keep crushing your strength gains for the long haul then you’ve got to change up your strength and conditioning approach as you ease into your 30’s, 40’s, and beyond. Sure you can still blast some new PR’s and blow up the heavy weight, but I would strongly recommend going about doing it intelligently and with an eye for experience.

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3 Unique Bodyweight Strength Drills For Optimal Function

3 Unique Bodyweight Strength Drills For Optimal Function

  1. Do you currently leverage bodyweight strength training to get the most out of your workouts? 
  2. Are you interested in learning some unique bodyweight strength drills to enhance your shoulder strength and mobility? 
  3. Are you looking for some unique bodyweight strength drills to challenge your body in a different way? 
  4. Are you interested in some bodyweight strength drills that will prime your body for movement and keep you resistant to injury? 

Bodyweight strength is a great way for you to train for a number of reasons. If you’re low on equipment, time, or simply need to challenge your coordination and strength then bodyweight strength can be leveraged to help you to do just that. Today I want to introduce three bodyweight strength drills to enhance your shoulder mobility and stability while challenging you to move in ways you might not be used to experiencing.

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