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5 Athletic Strength Exercises For Fighting

5 Athletic Strength Exercises For Fighting

The original publishing date of today’s post was back on June, 12 2018.

If you’re currently training in martial arts, or MMA then you need to invest the time to hone your athleticism. As a strength coach I notice that athletic strength is one of the first elements that fighters tend to put on the shelf.

This mindset traditionally derives from the thought that one can get all the strength and athleticism they need from their specific sport. However this is not the case. Learn how to utilize these strength exercises to enhance your MMA and martial arts fitness.

  1. Are you competitive in martial arts, or MMA and looking for a way to build more athleticism? 
  2. Do you have an interest in speeding up your performance for your martial arts practice? 
  3. Are you looking to build strength to improve your strikes and/or grappling skills? 
  4. Are you interested in building more athletic strength to enhance your coordination and reaction time? 

Whether you’re a martial arts practitioner, or looking to get seriously competitive in MMA you need to hone a good portion of your strength exercises to develop your athleticism. Consequently, without the added development of coordination and speed you may end up being somebody’s punching, or kicking bag during a tough sparring session. So today I’m going to provide you with some strength exercises to make your striking and grappling skills much tougher for your opponent.

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5 Functional Fitness Workouts For Head To Toe Strength

5 Functional Fitness Workouts For Head To Toe Strength

  1. What are you doing with your training to optimize your functional fitness workouts? 
  2. Do you approach your workouts in a comprehensive manner? 
  3. Do you train smart for injury prevention? 
  4. When it comes to your approach to training are you overwhelmed because of information overload? 

Despite the growth of box gyms and Instagram coaches I feel like functional fitness workouts have died in much of society. Most importantly I believe this is a result of our cushy modern society.

The ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes said Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough, and I will move the world. This speaks volumes to how Archimedes would utilize the practical application of leverage and mathematics. In this example his application of the use of a lever would accomplish a monumental feat. Well today I’m going to present to you a lever of your own to help you to obtain peak function.

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7 Elements Of Pillar Strength And Functional Movement

7 Elements Of Pillar Strength And Functional Movement

  1. What is pillar strength?
  2. Are you functionally strong?  
  3. Are you interested in learning how to develop pillar strength and function? 
  4. Do you feel that your workouts lack in helping you to perform and to be resistant to injury? 

If you answered yes to any of the questions here above then you’re in the right place. Today’s article will outline a simple and effective explanation to help you build stable and powerful pillar strength. You will also build total body function to withstand most any physical task.

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4 Lean Muscle Building Strategies For MMA Fitness

4 Lean Muscle Building Strategies For MMA Fitness

1. Are you failing to achieve lean muscle building gains in your MMA and individual fitness program? 

2. Do you struggle to drop body fat despite having the ability to practice your martial arts and other sport skills? 

3. Do you easily bulk, or gain in your current strength and conditioning program? 

As a strength and conditioning specialist my job is to look at your individual life and sport needs. From this I can create a strength and conditioning program to help you achieve your goals. When looking at your needs involving MMA and martial arts there are some things to consider if you’re striving to build lean muscle.

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The Bench Press…Overrated?

The Bench Press…Overrated?

So the topic of today’s discussion is going to involve the good ole bench press. So what can I say about the bench press other than the fact that it is probably the most misused and abused exercise involving the upper body and free weights since the invention of strength training, period.

Often trainees that don’t understand the proper technique involved with the bench press practice with terrible habits and even worse form for long periods of time until one day something stupid happens to get their attention. The point I’m making is why wait for that day to come because I’m going investigate this exercise right here for your knowledge obtaining convenience. Read on my young Jedi!

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