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5 Short Burst Time Efficient HIIT Workouts

5 Short Burst Time Efficient HIIT Workouts

  1. Are you looking for an effective conditioning workout to elevate your fitness that requires minimal equipment?
  2. Do you have an interest in learning about an effective workout to help elevate your fitness and burn a maximum number of calories? 
  3. Are you interested in a conditioning workout that you can use to supplement your current strength program? 
  4. Are you looking to get a leaner more athletic physique? 

If you aren’t familiar with the term HIIT it essentially stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is pronounced “hit.” This form of interval based training essentially means that your goal should be to perform a short burst interval of an exercise as fast as you can and with as much effort as possible.

Because of this these time efficient HIIT workouts can vary. So you can scale the level of intensity and volume as you can with anything else in order to suit your current level of fitness and ability. Remember that I always expect you to push, but not at the expense of quality movement and control.

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3 Unique Bodyweight Strength Drills For Optimal Function

3 Unique Bodyweight Strength Drills For Optimal Function

  1. Do you currently leverage bodyweight strength training to get the most out of your workouts? 
  2. Are you interested in learning some unique bodyweight strength drills to enhance your shoulder strength and mobility? 
  3. Are you looking for some unique bodyweight strength drills to challenge your body in a different way? 
  4. Are you interested in some bodyweight strength drills that will prime your body for movement and keep you resistant to injury? 

Bodyweight strength is a great way for you to train for a number of reasons. If you’re low on equipment, time, or simply need to challenge your coordination and strength then bodyweight strength can be leveraged to help you to do just that. Today I want to introduce three bodyweight strength drills to enhance your shoulder mobility and stability while challenging you to move in ways you might not be used to experiencing.

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3 Kettlebell Exercises To Help You Develop Significant Core Strength

3 Kettlebell Exercises To Help You Develop Significant Core Strength

  1. Are you interested in learning how to use kettlebells to build your core strength?
  2. Are you interested in learning some different and unique kettlebell exercises to add to your strength training program?
  3. Are you serious about building some big core strength?
  4. Are you looking to give your strength program a serious upgrade with the addition of kettlebells?

Kettlebell exercises are incredibly powerful for building fitness, function, and core strength. The reason I like kettlebells is because they are one hell of a utility training device. In terms getting the most out of your training while acquiring the benefits of several different strength movements (and variations of movements) you just can’t beat the kettlebell.

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6 Highly Effective Home Workouts For Optimal Fitness

6 Highly Effective Home Workouts For Optimal Fitness

Why would anyone in their right mind choose home workouts when they can just as easily workout at fully equipped gym? The answer: Because working out from home saves you a tremendous amount of time in life. Unfortunately, time is the one thing every human runs out of. And, frankly folks waste a lot of precious time, simply by driving back and forth to the gym.

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3 Smart Strength And Conditioning Tactics For Your Workouts

3 Smart Strength And Conditioning Tactics For Your Workouts

  1. Do you find yourself wondering how to organize your strength and conditioning workouts?
  2. Are you interested in learning how to structure your strength training workouts to make you more injury proof?
  3. Are your workouts designed to flow from one exercise to the next for efficiency?
  4. Are your strength training workouts designed to promote muscular balance and symmetry?

So in today’s article I want to outline some basic strength and conditioning tactics that you need to take the time to implement with your strength and conditioning program in order to help you achieve fitness, function, and optimal results. These are steps you can take to start the process of crushing your physical training goals.

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.–Zig Ziglar

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