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Sprint Workout Progression For Your HIIT Training

Sprint Workout Progression For Your HIIT Training

So I pulled today’s article out of the archives because it has gotten some attention over the course of 2018 so I figured it would be a good one to show you here in 2019! The original publishing date of today’s article was back on April 3, 2018.

If you are looking to upgrade your HIIT workouts then there is no better way to do so than to include some sprinting into the equation. Make sure you read through this one carefully and apply these strategies to your HIIT workouts. Read and apply!

  1. Do you currently include sprinting as part of your HIIT conditioning? 
  2. Are you “sprint functional” in your conditioning? 
  3. Do you have a practical and safe progression in place to build up your sprint workout? 

If you are not including sprint work into your conditioning program then you need to take the time to reconsider. If you aren’t sure about how to go about progressing up to a sprint workout program then this article will provide you with some insight. Get ready to buckle that chinstrap and get to work.

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Muscle Size Vs. Muscular Strength

Muscle Size vs. Muscular Strength

  1. Is there a difference between muscle size and muscular strength? 
  2. Does muscular size always equate to you being stronger? 
  3. Are you currently training for muscular size or muscular strength? 

Muscle Size vs. Muscular Strength…keep in mind that muscular size and strength don’t always correlate. A number of different variables determine muscular size and muscular strength. These can range from differences involving training protocols, genetics, diet, and experience with training. The point is that there are multiple things that influence these differences.

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4 Ways To Keep Crushing Strength Gains Beyond Your 30’s

4 Ways To Keep Crushing Strength Gains Beyond Your 30’s

Happy New Year!

Since this is the first day of the new year I figured I would share one more article from 2018 today when I went into the archives. The original publishing date of today’s article was back on July 3, 2018.

Whether you like it or not today is the day that many people start setting New Year’s Resolutions. Whether you do that or not I figured that today’s article may help to guide you. I figured this would be the case even if you decided it’s time for you to “tweak” your training looking at the new year. Read and apply!

  1. Are you continuing to win your war on strength beyond your 30’s? 
  2. Do you currently try to lift and train the same now as you did in your 20’s? 
  3. Are you battling with ailments and injury more often? 
  4. Are you still trying to blast out record PR’s every 6 to 8 weeks in your 30’s? 

If you’re looking to keep crushing your strength gains for the long haul then you’ve got to change up your strength and conditioning approach as you ease into your 30’s, 40’s, and beyond. Sure you can still blast some new PR’s and blow up the heavy weight, but I would strongly recommend going about doing it intelligently and with an eye for experience.

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How Do You Lift Heavy Without Getting Injured?

How Do You Lift Heavy Without Getting Injured?

  1. Are you interested in being able to lift heavy weight intelligently? 
  2. Do you have an interest in pursuing heavy lifting without getting injured? 
  3. Are you looking to get stronger while moving better? 
  4. Are you interested in lifting with a safe and effective approach? 

To lift heavy you’ve got to understand how to progress your physical strength to get there in the first place. Everything that involves true progression must take place incrementally over time.

When training with heavy weight your approach should always involve a smart plan of progressive overload. The end result should be a healthy dose of strength without the injury!

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5 Ways To Develop Power While Getting Lean

5 Ways To Develop Power While Getting Lean

The original publishing date of today’s article was back on September 10, 2015.

I wanted to pull this one from the archives. I did this to help you understand how to go about building muscular power while also developing lean muscle. If you haven’t applied the following steps to your own training then you need to make some adjustments.

Read and apply.

One great truth about strength is that it has different faces. I mean who’s stronger…Is it the guy that can squat 700 lbs., or is it the guy that has a 40 inch vertical? Obviously these are both great examples of strength, but the point is that BOTH are very different. Being different is what makes these types of strength so special. Aside from being different both do demonstrate an impressive level of power.

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